The inauguration here, though, in the glorious Ermita was wonderful. As we walked through the doors of what has for so long served as a church we were stunned by the huge amount of art work on display (left), which spoke of an artist of diversity and sensitivity. There were huge paintings that would adorn the walls of any of the luxurious villas here on the island, but there were also scores of paintings on objets trouve: mostly driftwood to remind us of our wonderful coastline.


Lately, in conversation with journalist Norman Warwick, I recalled my recent visit to Florence where, I viewed on the Uffizi Gallery crowded pavement, the displayed replica/copy statue of the original  David by Michelangelo. Thanks to the fine art degree educated guide, I learned something momentous, provocative and mind-altering about the beauty in the naked human form. 
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THE KEY TO BEING,…… Productive

With his degrees in the humanities he has retained the ´different view´ that enables him to recognise and convey structures and relationships within organisations. It was in December 2010 that Dr. Bensmann was appointed honorary professor for communications and organisation development at The Osnabruck University Of Applied Sciences. He believes that, in addition to theoretical and methodology, appreciation and trust as the basis for successful support of individuals and organisations undertaking processes of change.
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His photographic projects deal with the territory and its relationship with the contemporary landscape, man and identity, and their relationship with the environment and sustainability.

POESIA CORPORAL  BY LANZAROTE ARTIST a body of work by Adriyana Hodge

Being restlessly intrigued is part of the DNA of many artists, and even so soon after the success of last year´s publication, Adriyana has taken the work a few steps further down sidetracks & detours, with some of the photographs now being included, along with newer work in an exhibition called Secret Places Of Lanzarote.
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sidetracks & detours THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2022

Also running nearby,  in a pub/bar gallery, Julio´s in Coasta Teguise, iis a fascinating exhibition of nude photography. Secret Places In Lanzarote (left) shows the work of artist Adrijana Hodge who enjuoyed such a busy and buzzing inaugural event last week that we couldn´t even find time toconduict an interview. We are happy to be returning to the exhibition tonight, when the audience might be slightly fewer.

a capital A for Art in August 2022 at the Adsubian Gallery and Lanzarote Art Gallery

two of the finest galleries in this part of the world are putting on A-class exhibitions to mark the month of August.


I think Cintia is right to speak of her work connecting with the´feeling of our people:¨ I would go further, though, and suggest that her works offer any tourist who can find the ´time to stand and stare´ might come to understand a little more of Lanzarote and Canary Island tradition and what life was like for previous gnerations here, before the planes brought the visitors here. Cintia´s installations speak of the dignity of the men who caught food out on an often volatile ocean, and she captures the quietude of the working men who wrote poetry too. and the competetiveness of the children who had to make their own sport and games on Lanzarote.


´The only way to be an artist is to work day and night—lose yourself in it completely,´ he says, ruefully. ´Do you have any idea how lonely that is?´
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PRINCE during his Purple Reign,…sorry, rain

impeccable production values, often irresistible rhythms and an overall sense of fun.