Entries by Norman Warwick


Jazzfuel put together their list of some of the best jazz documentary films out there. Of course, with a list that runs to 10, they missed out some other brilliant ones. We at Sidetracks & Detours selected just a few at random of those with our readers to give a flavour of how comprehensive organisation is Jazzfuel.

DROP KICK ME, JESUS, through the goalposts of life

The Anglo-Celtic music that inspired Guthrie via the Carter Family and inspired the Dropkick Murphys via the Dubliners was a crucial connection point. But just as important, if not more so, was the shared commitment to bettering the lives of working people. Guthrie not only wrote songs about farmworkers (“Pastures of Plenty”), organized labor (“Union Maid”) and immigrants (“Deportees”), he also sang to those people in schools, union halls and outdoor camps.

ONE ARTIST´S VIEW: Seamus Kelly shares his vision

On 2nd August a brand new project was launched in Littleborough, the brainchild of artist, and writer, Liz White, who realised that many older people and people with visual impairments are not able to access poetry. Based in Hare Hill House I delivered a series of 6 two hour workshops using the Park, House, Littleborough and their history for inspiration.

twelve days of Jazz albums

There are excellent reviews of Moon To Gold. This wonderful collaboration has been picked all across the jazz media but nothing beats word of mouth in raising an artists´s profile,…..so once you have bought the record and played it I am sure you will want to tell others. Please do, loudly and proudly, because this is the real deal.


Even when Freddie is at her most alienated and resistant towards her birth culture, she seems able to lose herself in the music of the country. In one memorable scene set in a casual Seoul club, she escapes the pressures of social interaction, of being defined and defining herself, to dance by herself; the scene lingers, as Freddie closes her eyes and is able to be herself.

THE LIGHT WE CARRY: overcoming in uncertain times

In these frequently dark times, The Light We Carry feels like a hug from a trusted advisor and a good friend. As Michelle Obama writes, “The practice I’ve had in finding and appreciating the light inside other people has become perhaps my most valuable tool for overcoming uncertainty and . . . keeping my hopefulness intact.”


The unique and dramatic landscapes of Lanzarote have provided the backdrop for a number of famous films. The island has also proven an  ideal location for numerous fashion shoots, ad campaigns and even idents for TV stations such as Euro Sport – who filmed a tennis match on top of an old house in Teguise – a few years ago.

DOLLY goes a rockin´!

“I’ve always wanted to do the song ‘Satisfaction,’” said Parton. “That’s one of my husband’s favorite songs. And I may have to drag Mick [Jagger]’s guys up there to help me sing it.



I’ve been made aware that there’s some controversy about signatures on some of my recent artwork prints and on a limited edition of Philosophy Of Modern Song. I’ve hand-signed each and every art print over the yearsand there’s never been a problem.