STILL ROCKING all over the world:
Speaking for myself, I always have loved CCR music, with Lodi (a B side, for God´s sake) being one of the finest narrative songs I know and Fogerty´s solo offerings have always shared excellent production values.
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But we are proud to say that Norman Warwick contributed 1377 entries already.
Speaking for myself, I always have loved CCR music, with Lodi (a B side, for God´s sake) being one of the finest narrative songs I know and Fogerty´s solo offerings have always shared excellent production values.
James Talley took me back to another time and place by introducing me to W. Lee O´Daniel And The Light Crust Doughboys, in a song I referenced, along with the aforementioned by Chip Taylor in my serialised book of the time, called Names Fall Out In Conversations, based on songs written by artists to commend other artists-
Absolument, tous les ans, je réalise des ateliers avec des écoles.
Science seeks to solve our fear of the unknown, to reduce the assumptions we make about the world. Art is a discipline where everything is possible! Our only brake is our imagination but in itself art is infinite where science is finite
The LCO is one of the most prominent and acclaimed Lithuanian teams in the world. Since 2008, the renowned violin virtuoso Sergej Krylov has been its musical and artistic director.
The nearly simultaneous movements for regional autonomy within Spain and the growth of a world music culture complicated flamenco’s relationship to Spanish national identity.
I think the purpose of the material and style of the playing and performing by PielConPiel (Skin With Skin) is designed to encourage and generate wild imaginings.
The curators of these projects are like lawyers in the court of public opinion, arguing that a certain artist, a certain movement or a certain phase of an artist’s career has been undervalued and overlooked.
Poitier´s 2000 memoir The Measure Of A Man, clearly shows that the actor realised his the strength of the platform his film work was building for him and from there he helped to awaken the world to the inequities of racial and colour prejudices.
The middle section of the programme was perhaps my favourite. It never fails to amaze me that musicians and their instruments are able to follow sidetracks & detours through musical gneres and time periods. This section of the programme, vocally and instrumentally of runs and riffs I recalled from my UK folk club days more than fifty years ago. Manuel was at his most powerful and impressive with these songs and the relationship between tenor and players must be very secure to cover such a range of music.