Entries by Norman Warwick

BRIDGET BAZILE: star of gospel

Although the other trio member did not take a sole spot, she nevertheless gave a ´can´t take your eyes off her´ kind of performance, all a solo finger-clicking, hand-clapping, foot-stamping, tambourine shaking tour de force as she sang her heart out to The Lord.In fact tour de force is a phrase that was appropriate from the very first number, This Little Light Of Mine, in which Bridgit, with a beautiful voice that soared to opera levels and at times fell to  a prayerful whisper, played constantly with the tempo, creating all sorts of dynamics.


The head of the Centers said that these extractions were intended to be carried out with absolute discretion for health and democratic hygiene. “We cannot be accomplices of this monument to political corruption or stand idly by before two figures of someone denounced for having enriched themselves at the expense of INALSA. We can not give a letter of nature to a shameful behavior for the island and for the Tourist Centers, “explained the CEO of the Entity, Benjamin Perdomo.

gliding serenely over SWAN LAKE

The International Ballet, though, had delivered  of excellence that I´m sure that the ballet-buffs in the audience would have admired but even for we, who usually listen to the Beatles and The Byrds And The Beach Boys humming,  this was a wonderful, unforgettable evening.

´a defining hero of rock and roll:´ JERRY LEE LEWIS

Lewis embodied pinched obduracy, brooding, malevolent ignorance, violent unreliability and borderline madness. He abused women, played with guns and shot at men; he drove the highways of the south blind drunk with his loaded pistol on the dashboard. Yet in the vivid contrast between the meanness of the man and the grandeur of the artist, the common denominators were his phenomenal energy and admirable, all-conquering self-belief.

for poetry, music and gospel follow THAT BRIGHT STAR

Bridget Bazile released an album entitled “Sometimes I Feel…”. And in January 2017, she completed her tenth year, multi-city solo performance tour across Spain and France. It is her mission to promote and keep alive the richly deep and unique musical heritage of African-American music and culture. 

Lanzarote Poetry Festival 2023 VERSOS, VOLCANOES Y VIENTO (Spanish edition)

Encontramos un lugar para sentarnos y escuchar mientras los veinte poetas invitados leían cada uno un poema, con el tema del título del festival Versos, Volcanes y Vientos. A lo largo del concierto fui dudando cada vez más de mis derechos para estar en esta compañía. Comencé a preocuparme de que el poema que había seleccionado podría no ser tan apropiado como podría haber esperado. Escuché palabras que no podía entender ya que los poemas en español estaban todos bellamente leídos. Cada lector produjo un ritmo suave y una cadencia cuidadosa y entregó su trabajo con el respeto que merecía. No parecía nada salvaje aquí, (¿cómo podría haber allí en el paraíso?) pero, sin embargo, se hizo referencia al cambio climático y las necesidades sociales.

Lanzarote Poetry Festival 2023: VERSOS, VOLCANOES Y VIENTO

The first thing that struck me, (if we don´t count that lightning a few years ago) was the politeness, the courtesy and the attentiveness of the people around the square. It was typical of Canarian good manners, with audience members properly listening, and my fellow poets also paying me the courtesy of listening to the words. That is a long way from the sound of pints being served and slurped,  tills clanging, and the barmaid shouting ´time gentlemen, please´ just before I was due to read, all of which was part of soundtrack to many readings in  England.