for poetry, music and gospel follow THAT BRIGHT STAR
Bridget Bazile released an album entitled “Sometimes I Feel…”. And in January 2017, she completed her tenth year, multi-city solo performance tour across Spain and France. It is her mission to promote and keep alive the richly deep and unique musical heritage of African-American music and culture.

check out the huge listings and recommendations for jazz-related gifts

Lanzarote Poetry Festival 2023 VERSOS, VOLCANOES Y VIENTO (Spanish edition)
Encontramos un lugar para sentarnos y escuchar mientras los veinte poetas invitados leían cada uno un poema, con el tema del título del festival Versos, Volcanes y Vientos. A lo largo del concierto fui dudando cada vez más de mis derechos para estar en esta compañía. Comencé a preocuparme de que el poema que había seleccionado podría no ser tan apropiado como podría haber esperado. Escuché palabras que no podía entender ya que los poemas en español estaban todos bellamente leídos. Cada lector produjo un ritmo suave y una cadencia cuidadosa y entregó su trabajo con el respeto que merecía. No parecía nada salvaje aquí, (¿cómo podría haber allí en el paraíso?) pero, sin embargo, se hizo referencia al cambio climático y las necesidades sociales.

Lanzarote Poetry Festival 2023: VERSOS, VOLCANOES Y VIENTO
The first thing that struck me, (if we don´t count that lightning a few years ago) was the politeness, the courtesy and the attentiveness of the people around the square. It was typical of Canarian good manners, with audience members properly listening, and my fellow poets also paying me the courtesy of listening to the words. That is a long way from the sound of pints being served and slurped, tills clanging, and the barmaid shouting ´time gentlemen, please´ just before I was due to read, all of which was part of soundtrack to many readings in England.

The recording of the Rachmaninov Vespers by Alexander Sveshnikov and the State Academic Russian Choir, from 1965, is described as ‘bone-chilling’ by one reviewer.

The Renaissance Choir members are already busy filling their diaries for 2023. They have designed an exciting programme for the year ahead, including a tour to Wells Cathedral, Bridgwater and Glastonbury in May.

INTRODUCING ARTISTS: highly recommended
Among the half dozen artists mentioned here, recommended by Sidetracks And Detours, or The Lanzarote Art Gallery Arts Space, or by The Adsubian Gallery there might well some of whom you are already aware. However, ´finding´ a new artist is always a lovely feeling, and to find two or three at once is a pure delight, and if by any chance you have learned of six new-to-you artists today, then as Satchmo said to himself,…. ´what a wonderful world !¨

DOING THE SPACEWALK as astronauts land on Lanzarote
Whether or not you view Man´s exploration of Space as Enterprise (a great name for star-ship !) or encroachment (which might be just as appropriate a name) the NASA trainees are acclimatising here on Lanzarote. So we might here some strange sounds form our lunar-lookalike lava fields. Those sounds might be of a Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band member howling at the moon, or of an urban spaceman calling occupants of inter-planetary, most extraordinary craft.

The Jazz Defenders put a modern soul spin on the classic hard bop style, brining that 20th century sophistication and excitement o the 21st century stage…

John Fenton, writing for Jazz Local, described Wax / Wane as ´music defying the mundane, an invitation to a better place where gravity is abandoned´.