FRANKENSTEIN´S GRANNY: The Mary Wollstonecraft statue. By Michael Higgins
All biographers should aim to depict their subject as real life people and write a life that is true to what they wanted to be and what perhaps they actually became. The same should attain to graphic art and sculpture.

I HAVE A ´BUT´ but don´t know what that but is, about Springsteen. by Norman Warwick
Springsteen’s latest recording reassembles an E Street Band in peak form on nine newly written songs and three he’s had kicking around since before his 1973 debut.

The people at Jazziz also remember rummaging through the record stores. That’s why they are rebooting that tradition for the digital age with their Crate Digging video series, in which they search through crates of memories to bring you a handful of album recommendations on a given theme. It’s social media in the truest sense of the term: no algorithms, no computer-generated playlist.

the world, could do with Manrique´s calm and vision and his oneness with nature at this time, in this hour of need.

IDENTITY & TRAVELLER. Gaucimara Hernandez
We invite visitors to The Lanzarote Art Gallery to contemplate their surroundings from a new perspective, and to feel the power of art as it leads them to enjoy and understand the everyday and the small in a simple way, on a journey through beauty.´

Looking for my FUNNY VALENTINE
The forever open and never answered question of can we and should we separate Art from the Artist, (as asked in our archived article Standing Between Art And The Artist 21st January 2021) is forever present although in the case of Chet Baker,

In addition to their specialty in Spanish music they have the interpretation of the traditional repertoire for piano duo, so in their recitals it is common to find works by living composers, with whom they work directly, such as A. Guinovart, A. García Abril, C. Garriga, R. Ashkenar, C. Díaz Pestano, M. Bonino, etc.

The I Can See Clearly Now album includes four original Marley compositions published by JAD: Guava Jelly, Comma Comma, You Poured Sugar On Me and the follow-up hit Stir It Up. A third hit single taken from the album was There Are More Questions Than Answers.

FRIENDS dancing down the roads of the nation
there are now over forty albums by these artists alone that, figuratively at least, have ´as first heard from Pete Benbow´ stamped on their covers.

WHOLE NEW MEANINGS of ´Presidential.´
We are not tasked to select the ironic bits over the sincere bits or vice versa because all of those things are overlaid and interwoven.