COME WHAT MAY,…… don´t miss ´the arts´ this month, wherever you are


don´t miss ´the arts´ this month, wherever you are

by Norman Warwick

We always love receiving the jazz listings for the following month in the UK, from Music That´s Going Places, or from Jazz In Reading or from Ribble Valley Jazz And Blues, or even when we hear snippets on Steve Bewick´s excellent Hot Biscuits jazz programme, and we always  become slightly envious  of all the jazz gigs going on over in the UK.

Steve arrives here on Lanzarote tomorrow for a well-earned fortnight´s break with his wife, but we will post details of his forthcoming pre-recorded programmes for the next fortnight as soon as he arrives.

We previewed the Ribble Valley Jazz And Blues Festival in our post on Friday 29th April in our post at

That festival is still on-going as I write this, and concludes today on Bank Holiday Monday, May 2nd.  We were delighted to read that, like so many arts organisations, they are are collecting donations to forward to help Ukraine in this dreadful times. If you´d like to make a last minute trip to the Ribble Valley Jazz And Blues Festival you can have a look at their web site for details and timings of their closing day events.

We also updated you Monday May 25th about Jazz In Reading events in our article entitled The Sveta And Slava Duo.

Many of the scheduled Jazz In Reading gigs in that region are also supporting Ukraine´s fight as our posters show

We feel certain that other art forms besides jazz are similarlry running events to rasie further funds for what is a humanitarian cause

We hope organisers will feel free to include any relevant photos like these with their listings, so that we can reproduce them here and keep up the fight. We will seek to post them wherever we can and to share them with our friends various print and electronic media outlets. And then feel free to let us know how much you raised and what the response was like from the general public. By sharing good news as well as requests for donations we perhaps can sustain the energy levels and ensure that no semblance of compassion fatigue can set in.


So, now we come to Music That´s Going Places because Rob Adams´ filing has just landed in my in-tray. I haven´t even read it yet as I was still typing when it pinged, so let´s see what we´ve got.

There´s growing optimism this month as news of a new monthly jazz night arrives from the Beacon Arts Centre in Greenock, Scotland, UK. Star saxophonist  Konrad Wisnieeski and piano master Brian Kellock gave a taster concert on Saturday 3rd April and there will be a programme of more top Scottish talents which will generally take place on the last Thursday of the month from May onwards.  

Meanwhile, piano marvel Fergus McReadie´s Trio to continue their album launch tour with concerts in Tobermory(Friday 6th), Nairn (Friday 13th), Glasgow (Sunday 15th), Nottingham (Thursday 26th), Barnard Castle (Friday 27th), Braemar (Saturday 28th), and Stroud (Sunday 29th). Forest Floor has had a fantastic reception. It went straight to No 1 in the official UK Jazz & Blues chart and among its five-star reviews and ecstatic responses from radio presenters across the world is a great quote from Dutch website Written in Music, whose reviewer described it as “the most beautiful music you can hear in jazz at the moment.  

Gaelic singer and whistle player Julie Fowlis, is one of a group of prominent traditional musicians who will be helping the Scotoish National jazz orchestra to bring Scotland´s myths and legends to vibrant musical life in Tales of the Tribe in Glasgow (Thursday 12th) , Aberdeen, Friday 13th and in Edinburgh on Saturday 14th. Actor Blythe Duff, accordionist Phil Cunningham, flautist, whistle player and piper Michael McGoldrick and Breabach fiddler Megan Henderson also appear in this companion piece to orchestra director Tommy Smith’s brilliant 1996 album, Beasts of Scotland.   

Tommy Smith explores the acoustics of St. Ninian´s Cathedral in Perth on Tuesday 24th and at Quarryman´s Arts Centredral and then in Creetown in Dumfries and Galloway on Saturday 28th. As with Tommy´s solo concerts these will be a celebration of melody drawn spontaneously from the folk, Gaelic and praise-song classical music tradtions as well as Tommy´s extensive knowledge of the jazz genre.  

Jazz and classical music meet in pianist Euan Henderson and saxophonist Konrad Wiszniewski increasingly impressive (and it was great to begin with) New Focus: The Classical Connection at Jazz at St James in Leith on Saturday 21st. Two brilliant musicians and consummate improvisers sharing pithy observations and informally imparted expertise makes this one of the major treats currently available.  

Everyone likes something for nothing and Glasgow Concert Halls are providing a real bargain in their free-to-view video series for International Jazz Day. As the pandemic continued to make live jazz difficult last year, singer Louise Dodds, pianist Brian Kellock’s trio, saxophonist Matt Carmichael’s group, pianist Fergus McCreadie and saxophone-piano duo Tommy Smith & Peter Johnstone recorded concerts for later broadcast. Along with the New Focus Quartet and the multi-cultural Anahata, their time has now come and you can access this great selection of music here from Saturday 30th April to Monday 2nd May  

Photo Karen Marshalsay plays  Scottish Harp Music at Eden Court, Inverness, Saturday 14th May 7:30pm with music from her album The Road to Kennacraig (4 stars-The Scotsman) on all three Scottish harps (gut-strung, wire-strung and the buzzing, distinctive-sounding bray harp
Tickets from or 01463 234 234


Blue Lamp
Sun 1: Richard Bailey Trio & Further On (2pm)
Thu 5: Eileen Hunter
Thu 12: Hugh Pascall Qnt
Thu 19: David Lyttle Trio

Village Hall
Fri 6: Bancroft & Lyne

The Caird
Sun 8: Gordon McNeil Qrt
Sun 22: tbc

Assembly Roxy
Sun 1: Graham Costello’s STRATA

Jazz Bar (see

St James
Sat 21: New Focus: The Classical Connection Glasgow
Blue Arrow
Thu 5: Fine Men with Foul Tongues
Fri 6: Rachel Duns
Fri 20: Audio Strut
Fri 27: Trish Clowes

Merchants House
Sun 15: Fergus McCreadie Trio

Beacon Arts Centre
Thu 19: Georgia Cecile

606 Club
Mon 2: Sam Braysher Trio
Wed 4: Art Themen
Tue 10: Hannah Horton
Sat 14: Mornington Lockett with Henry Lowther
Wed 18: Jas Kayser
Sat 21: Deshanel Gordon

Ronnie Scott’s
Sun 1: Myra Melford’s Fire & Water Qnt
Mon 2: Dave Weckl-Tom Kennedy Project
Tue 3: Laila Biali
Fri 6: Kahil El’Zabar Qrt
Sun 8: Alan Wakeman Octet
Thu 12-Fri13: Reuben James
Sat 14: Emile Parisien
Mon 16: Cyrille Aimee
Thu 19-Fri 20: Joe Lovano
Sat 28: Donny McCaslin  

Community & Arts Centre
Fri 13: Fergus McCreadie Trio  

St Ninian’s Cathedral
Tue 24: Tommy Smith solo saxophone

Meanwhile, my envy of such a vibrant UK jazz scene is at least balanced by being reminded of scores of events, all across the arts, scheduled on our tiny island of Lanzarote-

These include some art exhibitions and installations currently on show continuing until well into next month. We´ll try to sort out the chronology for you!


Running until 14th May is Movimiento y direccion de Fuga Aclimatacion 1, combining the work of Gabriela Bettini, Liliana Zapata, Manuel Diego Sánchez y Racso Zehcnas, commissioned by Dalia de la Rosa

This exhibition project, curated by Dalia de la Rosa, presents us with an artistic discourse that investigates the processes of adaptation of foreign elements in a specific place through dislocations that break layers that affect identity processes or sedimentations that erase spaces to create new places in which fragile provisional balance occurs in the form of acclimatization. This is how we see it in the new forms of mobility on the territory that were generated from the gold rush in the United States through the audiovisual piece by Manuel Diego Sánchez, the productive models based on the wild extractions on the territory that is reflected in the work of Liliana Zapata, in the traces and violent interactions between the body and the territory of the visual piece of Racso Zehcnas or in the modifications of the natural environments after the nineteenth-century scientific expeditions carried out in Africa, America or Asia in the work of Gabriela Bettini.


Running until 21st May,  Acaymo S Cuesta shows his work, Blanco corrupto (left) , commissioned by Dennys Matos, in Sala Cubo, – Cic El Almacén in Arrecife.

After a long process of documentary and informative research on corruption and urban development that has occurred in recent decades in Lanzarote, the Gran Canarian artist Acaymo S. Cuesta, curated by Dennys Matos, has articulated a plastic and visual story from which to reflect and denounce, through a series of pieces and installations,  on three fundamental issues linked to the territory and post-truth on the island, that is, on the aesthetic impact of tourism corruption on the landscape of that island, as well as on the influence exerted by political-business control over the media to legitimize the “laundering” or manipulation of public opinion; and, as a backdrop, the validity of the legacy of César Manrique’s environmentalist thought on the island.


Running until 27th May 2022 is an arts exhibition called Feura De Juego, featuring work by Carmela García, Noelia Villena, Acaymo S. Cuesta, Sara GDM y Antonio Manuel Domínguez, in a project copmmissioned by Adonay Bermúdez.

This exhibition project, curated by Adonay Bermúdez, is an artistic proposal that explores the machismo entrenched in society and, specifically, in sport, through plastic and visual works of public denunciation that seek and expose feminist formulas that show situations of inequality in different sports contexts. In this way, we stumble upon readings that dialogue about the lack of voice of women in football (Carmela García), hatred and violence towards women athletes in social networks (Acaymo S. Cuesta), the relationships between women, sport and motherhood (Noelia Villena), the links between women and football (Sara GDM) or the prevailing dominance of men in sport (Manuel Antonio Domínguez).


Also running throughout the month until 28th May will be an exhibition by DANIEL MORDZINSKI, “Navegantes en la balsa de piedra”, in The Casa de la Culture Augustin de la Hoz in Arrecife. This  celebrates  the centenary of the life of José Saramago (1922-2022)

In this exhibition by the artist Daniel Mordzinski, designed and projected expressly for the programming of the Centenary of Saramago in Lanzarote, the Argentine photographer transits and becomes an emblematic interlocutor who enables dialogue between the Portuguese and Hispanic worlds and does so on a stone raft, in which the faces of the writers who inhabit his designed great island of cultural Iberism metaphorically navigate,  where literature and photography come together and merge forever in the memory of Saramago.


An arts exhibition with a slightly different flavour will run until 4th June at Cic El Almacen in Arrecife.  8 ESCRITORAS Y 8 CREADORAS features the work of Agustina Ayala, Inocencia Aldana, Daniela Martín Hidalgo, María Morales Topham, Macarena Nieves Cáceres,Inocencia Páez, Dominga Suárez Clavijo y Lola Suárez, Elena Betancor, Rosalía Díe, Flora González, Guacimara Hernández, Isabelle Mathieu, Raquel Plans (an artista we have covered extensively on these oages), and Adriana Sandec with Rosa Vera

To overcome the unforgivable absence of names of women writers in the studies on the literary heritage associated with Lanzarote this artistic intervention that has as a priority objective to publicize and value the work of eight writers hand in hand with plastic recreation, through the collage technique, of eight creators of the island,  in an exercise of visual expression where literature and art interact to vindicate the development of a new aesthetic and intellectual discourse signed by women from Lanzarote.

Eight texts by the writers María Morales Topham, Agustina Ayala, Inocencia Aldana, Dominga Suárez Clavijo, Inocencia Páez, Lola Suárez, Macarena Nieves Cáceres and Daniela Martín Hidalgo inspire eight collages made by eight artists from the island, such as Elena Betancor, Rosalía Díe, Flora González, Guacimara Hernández, Isabelle Mathieu, Raquel Plans, Adriana Sandec and Rosa Vera.


There will be an arts installation, Identity Detonations by Macarena Nieves Caceres, in place at Cic El Almacen  and open to the public until 4th June, and again admission is free and subject to protocols in place at the time.

Organised by: Cultura Lanzarote – Cabildo de Lanzarote

Within the artistic project “Corpus of absence”, exhibited in 2010 in Gran Canaria Espacio Digital, was the installation “Identity Detonations” in which the artist and visual poet from Lanzarote, Macarena Nieves Cáceres, showed this work in which she explores the concept of identity from absence, lack or lack with respect to anthropological origins,  using the zurrón, a traditional element of the Canarian culture, today almost a souvenir, interspersing it and giving it corporeity as a current image on which to base a metaphorical discourse in which the human body becomes the territory of research and thought of a poetic and visual architecture.

Performance “María Magdalena versus María Maccarena”, May 16, at 20:00 h. in the Cube Room of the CIC El Almacén.

Of course, there are new events opening in May, in art fields other than the visual


On Tuesday 3rd May 19.30.A presentation of Madre, de Teresa Correa (right) will be given  by artists Teresa Correa y Adonay Bermúdez  at Cic El Almacen on Tuesday

In the context of the exhibition “Mother” by Teresa Correa that was exhibited at the CIC El Almacén between October 2021 and January 2022, the realization of this artist’s book by the Gran Canarian photographer Teresa Correa is framed, as the result of a personal process of artistic reflection around the anthropological investigation of the aboriginal archaeological past of the Canary Islands,  from her return to the Islands in 1998 to the present, leading her to reformulate the concepts of identity, time or memory, in the form of silences, rumors and dialogues that visually transit between visible (revealed) and invisible (undisclosed) reality. The book has had texts by Adonay Bermúdez, Suset Sánchez and Simon Njami, with the editorial design of Vanessa Rodríguez.

FRIDAY 6TH MAY and later dates.

If you live on Lanzarote, on here on holiday at the moment you might treat yourself to a night at the theatre on Friday 6th or/and Saturday 7th May at 20.00. La Noche (left) is a seventy five minute performance suitable for all audiences aged 14 or over.

Writing of a Lisbon newspaper on the night of April 24-25, 1974. On the background of censorship, the desire for freedom and ethical debates, editors and editors dispute and maintain relations of conflict before the first episodes of the Carnation Revolution that would end the dictatorship of Marcello Caetano.

Written by José Saramago, this drama was originally premiered in Lisbon in 1979, five years after the end of the Salazarist dictatorship. In 1996 the Spanish version was premiered in Granada, commissioned to the director Joaquín Vida, who returns to direct this staging faithful to the one made in 1996

We would very much urge you to put the following dates in your diary, 9th, 16th, 23rd May & 6th June June at 18.00 and reserve tickets for at least one of those occasions at Cic El Almacen in Arrecife to hear a talk given by arts historian, practicing artist and expert and enthusiast, Estefania Camejo, on the subject of Arts and Aesthetics.

Estefania is such a trusted ally of venues, promoters and artists that she is frequently employed to give guided tours of arts exhibitions and installations, and will be doing so  for many of the events listed here.

We have attended several of her previous tours, and indeed I have conducted a couple of exclusive interviews with her: one in my capacity as a writer for Lanzarote Information and another for own daily blog at Sidetracks And Detours.

Her ninety minute presentation will be free admission to the public with prior reservation available through the phone 928 831 507, providing full name, email, telephone and ID. Places are limited and will be confirmed through the email provided. Application of safety and hygiene measures according to current COVID-19 regulations. Organised by: Cultura Lanzarote – Cabildo de Lanzarote

Starting from the premise of the need to explain and publicize the theoretical foundation that is associated with the artistic experience itself and the contemporary culture in which we live, this cycle of talks proposes an approach to the main concepts, postulates, principles and ideas linked to Aesthetics and the way of understanding the artistic fact,  from the informative perspective of the History of Art and thought, thus enabling both the knowledge and the analysis of the processes of meaning and interpretation of the artistic expressions of the past and the present.

Estefania is an informed and informative speaker, delivering her thoughts and engaging with her audience through empathy and humour. These talks should be a real treat. We´re very much looking forward to them.

10th MAY

On Tuesday 10th at May 19.30 there will also be a conversation between two artists, GALA KNÖRR Y DANIEL JORDÁN (right) , moderated by Adonay Bermúdez at Cic El Almacen.

The curator Adonay Bermúdez proposes a meeting between the Basque artist Gala Knörr, who is in the artistic residence of the Hotel Nautilus Lanzarote, and the Lanzarote creator Daniel Jordán, in order to dialogue and seek connections that allow us to draw bridges, see relationships and make readings between the artistic production of two creators who a priori did not know each other,  in the format of a conversation in which themes, intellectual concerns or strategies to which they resort to face artistic practice and other transversal issues of their respective creation processes will emerge.

13th MAY

Friday 13th May brings us more art with “BLANCO CORRUPTO”, DE ACAYMO S. CUESTA

This presentatión of the catalogue Con Acaymo S. Cuesta y Adonay Bermúdez at CIC El Almacén begins at  19.30 and will last for ninety minutes.

Within the context of the exhibition “Corrupt White” by Acaymo S. Cuesta, curated by Dennys Matos, the catalogue of this project is presented in which a plastic and visual story is articulated from which to reflect and denounce, through a series of pieces and installations linked to the territory and post-truth on the island,  on the aesthetic impact of tourism corruption on the landscape of Lanzarote, as well as on the influence exerted by political-business control over the media to legitimize the “whitewashing” or manipulation of public opinion. This catalogue includes texts by Dennys Matos and Inés R. Artola, as well as photographs by Joaquín Vera (from Bruto Estudio), the translation by Lena Peñate and the editorial design by Víctor G. Moreno (from Estudio Sombra).

16th MAY

Monday 16 May offers  a Performance of MARÍA MAGDALENA vs MARÍA MACCARENA, (left) by Macarena Nieves Cáceres at CIC El Almacén.

The action Mary Magdalene versus Mary Maccarena is a performative nod to religious imagery, based on the mystery that makes up the figure of Mary Magdalene. The uncomfortable, ambiguous, disturbing saint, confronted with the earthly Magdalene, who was not a virgin, nor a mother, nor a wife, but attends the Crucifixion as the first witness of the Resurrection. The work looks at the woman who is most often named in the canonical Gospels and has generated so many artistic-literary reinterpretations in the History of Art. The work focuses on the turning point between the woman of antiquity and the one who shapes Christianity.

17th MAY

Tuesday 17th  May sees a gathering of three writers at a literary event, when LOLA SUÁREZ, MACARENA NIEVES CÁCERES Y DANIELA MARTÍN HIDALGO appear together at  CIC El Almacén in Arrecife.

This event takes place in the context of the exhibition “Eight writers and eight creators” that is exhibited in El Almacén is part of this literary meeting in which the Lanzarote writers Lola Suárez, Macarena Nieves Cáceres and Daniela Martín Hidalgo will talk to us, in a pleasant and relaxed way, about their trajectories, their books, the processes of literary creation,  of reference readings, future projects and of how or to what extent the island of Lanzarote is directly or indirectly related in the territories of the literary geography of their  poetic discourses.


There is a similarly styled event scheduled forTuesday 24th Maywhen the presentation of the catalogue“IDENTIDAD Y VIAJERAS”, DE GUACIMARA HERNÁNDEZtakes place at the busy and always rewarding centre at CIC El Almacén

In the context of the exhibition “identity and travelers” by Guacimara Hernández is framed the presentation of this catalog that collects, in the form of an exercise of anthropological and artistic reflection, an interpretive reading on the foreign look of the texts of the British traveler Olivia Stone who visited the Canary Islands in 1884, making her dialogue with concepts such as the territory,  travel, otherness, identity or tourism. The design, layout and editing has been carried out by Natalia Camacho and Claudia Fernández of Estudio Geiser, together with the photographic work of Moisés Fleitas and the texts of Guacimara Hernández and Pepe Betancort.


As some art exhibitions close down towards the end of the month so another one opens. From Monday 26th May, until 13th August you will be able to view “Primun non nocere” a collection created by Romina Rivero and commissioned by Nerea Ubieto. This will be housed in Sala El Aljibe at CIC El Almacén in Arrecife

Under the maxim of classical medicine of “the first thing is to do no harm” Romina Rivero proposes an installation artistic project in which she invites us to reflect on the complementarity between the care of the body and the violence exerted on it. It testifies not only to that empty and forgotten space of mourning and suffering, but also to the pain resulting from the violence of the biopolitical powers professed on the human being. To do this, we must heal the wounds, heal taking care of ourselves individually and collectively as a society, from the intimate, the subtle and the delicate, to reconcile the damage and overcome the painful, beautifying the pain.

Friday 27th May brings us the first musical event of the month with CANTADOR SINFÓNICO, Acto Institucional del Día de Canarias in that incredible auditórium created by Cesar Manrique created in the caves and lava fields of Jameos del Agua.

This is an Institutional Event organized by the Cabildo de Lanzarote in the Auditorium of the Jameos del Agua, on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Canary Islands. The President of the Cabildo, Doña María Dolores Corujo Berriel, will speak.   The event will feature the staging of the show “Cantador Sinfónico”, by the artists Ciro Corujo, Manuel Estupiñán and Pedro Manuel Afonso, a project composed of more than twenty musicians that aims to be a recognition of the figure of the singer in the world.

The same date of Friday 27th May also sees a theatre production  of CEGUERA (right) performed by Cuerpo Teatro as another part of the centenerary celebrations of the life of José Saramago (1922-2022) mentioned earlier in this article. This will take place inCentro Cívico de Arrecife but if you also wish to hear the concert in the caves on the same night there will also be opportunities to see this touring production on

3rd JUNE & 10TH JUNE

On 3rd June in the Pabellón deportes de San Bartolomé or even on 10th June in  Centro Sociocultural de Mácher (Tías) you can see theatre production of Blindness.

Blindness is a stage piece inspired by the novel “Essay on Blindness” by Nobel Prize winner José Saramago. The staging is the result of the theatrical laboratory developed between March and May of this year, in which about twenty people have investigated through the body and voice to travel through the different scenarios of the novel.

Blind bodies inhabiting the immensity of an empty white, minds deafened by the instinct to survive, fear and uncertainty breathe. In a society infected by sudden white blindness, the hope of subsisting in the abyss is blurred by savage animal selfishness. It is the darkest side of humanity illuminated by a white, harmful, dense, constant and offensive blindness?

28th MAY

Saturday 28th May delivers another musical event when DULCE PONTES (left) is at Teatro Víctor Fernández Gopar “El Salinero”

With more than 30 years of experience, Dulce Pontes is, without a doubt, an essential voice for lovers of fado and music in general. Singer, pianist, composer and performer, her successful “Canção do Mar” – released worldwide in 1993 and one of the favorite songs of the public – consecrated Dulce Pontes as the renovator of fado, thus taking the witness of the great Amalia Rodrigues.

Her incredible artistic conditions, her classical training and her cultural concerns, have led Dulce Pontes to travel the world collaborating with the greatest artists from different latitudes.

Special mention should be made of his meeting with the great Ennio Morricone, the result of which an intense friendship and professional relationship was forged from which emerged in 2003 the great album “Focus”, of which more than 300,000 copies were sold, in addition to the world tours they made together.

As if all this incredible arts tapas isn´t enough to keep us going through May, Miguel Ferrer´s press release from the department of culture at the Cabildo also gives us early news of another art event that comes nearly at the end the following month.


CARNAZA AND MORRALLA. MORNING OF CASTAWAYS FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY Presentation of the book by Daniel Jordán, with Fernando Castro Flórez  at CIC El Almacén, takes place on Friday 24 June, at  19.30 and is a ninety minute event. All audiences Entrance: free, with prior reservation Reservation tickets: through the phone 928 831 507, providing full name, email, telephone and ID. Places are limited and will be confirmed through the email provided. Application of safety and hygiene measures according to current COVID-19 regulations. Organizers: Cultura Lanzarote – Cabildo de Lanzarote After the exhibition of the exhibition “Murmura todo el teatro” by Daniel Jordán in the summer of 2019 at the CIC El Almacén, it was agreed to postpone the publication associated with this project to 2020, a circumstance that could not materialize due to various setbacks and circumstances associated with the pandemic.

After the exhibition of the exhibition “Murmura todo el teatro” by Daniel Jordán in the summer of 2019 at the CIC El Almacén, it was agreed to postpone the publication associated with said project to 2020, a circumstance that could not materialize due to various setbacks and circumstances associated with the pandemic.   Despite this adversity, in all this time Daniel Jordán and the well-known philosopher, art critic and professor of the UAM, Fernando Castro Flórez have not ceased in their efforts and kept alive an interesting discursive thread in the form of questions and answers in which they have addressed different issues of current cultural, thought and contemporary art and that has given body to this extraordinary,  dystopian and crazy chatter entitled “Carnaza y morralla”.

So May is definitely a busy month for the arts not only in the UK, but also here on Lanzarote where residents and tourists can find booking arrangements and more precise details of all these events at


or at

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