by Norman Warwick

When our culture and tradition correspondent, Michael Higgins (left), signposted a few sidetracks & detours we should explore around Manchester Cathedral last year, we didn´t really expect to find a handful of top notch music groups with Low at the top. Nor did we anticipate a list of top-notch rock bands scheduled to appear in Manchester Cathedral. Next month brings to the city the excellent Low playing there on 22nd April 2022 .

I have a couple of the dozen or so albums Low have made, and some tracks off those have made it on to my playlists. To categorise their music is almost impossible, but whenever I undertake the annual tidy-up of my music rooms I invariably find their cds in close proximity of others by The Cowboy Junkies. Hmmm.

I´m not sure why that should be but Max Freedman seems to love to go a-wandering through these sort of fields on-line, so a-googling I did go. Max Freedman is a writer and editor with bylines in culture publications such as MTV News, Pitchfork, Paste Magazine, FLOOD Magazine, The A.V. Club, and other blogs and websites spanning a wide variety of interests. His journalistic work focuses on, among other topics, LGBTQ+ and QTPOC artists who break out-dated gender, sexuality, and race norms while fighting for liberation.

In addition to his journalistic work, Max runs a newsletter called Paint the Black Hole Blacker. Click here to read and subscribe.

You can also hire Max to write about countless non-musical subjects for blogs, biographies, articles, and webpages. Contact Max Freedman here.

Mr. Freedman´s (right) latest piece, on Low, began with gloriously memorable phrase leading us to the first comma and telling us that

´After what sounds like a mechanical bull backfiring inside a hall of mirrors, Alan Sparhawk and Mimi Parker light the whole cow on fire and let it explode. On White Horses, the opener of Low’s 13th album HEY WHAT, Sparhawk’s voice and guitars are among the loudest and clearest they’ve been across 13 albums spanning nearly three decades, with Parker’s harmonies not far behind in heft and lucidity. If the ever-mercurial married duo (HEY WHAT is technically the first album Low created as a duo—Steve Garrington, their fourth bassist, departed last year) have long sounded listless and adrift amid myriad moments of personal and political uncertainty, HEY WHAT re.imagines Low as a vehicle for powerhouse vocals, high-Richter-scale distortion and blink-and-you’ll-miss-it percussion. The duo’s recent fascination with 21st-century disconnection continues, but the bombast is louder and the tranquility is quieter, and in focusing on lucid melodies and unobscured fidelity, they’ve created their most visceral work yet.

In some ways, HEY WHAT is a logical outgrowth of the drastic left turn Low took with 2018’s Double Negative. On that album, Low deconstructed the elements of mid-tempo rock music, kept fragments of the brusque force they began exploring on 2015’s Ones and Sixes, and rebuilt what they’d destroyed with unsettling drones, noise and political ire (a thread loosely woven throughout the Low catalog). All these elements foggily ricocheted off one another with the same nauseating paralysis of scrolling through the headlines in this godforsaken era. This doom spiral of apocalyptic crackle and haunting whispers was intentional, as Double Negative stemmed from Sparhawk’s disillusionment with Trump’s rise. Like both that album and Ones and Sixes, HEY WHAT finds Sparhawk and Parker pairing with Bon Iver affiliate BJ Burton to transform their foundational “slowcore” sound (a term they disavow) into something more akin to radio static, but now, instead of letting the ominous future get them down, they find resolve in the rubble.

Though not quite built from acceptance or optimism, HEY WHAT documents the choice to keep living a regular life when a full lifetime is increasingly not guaranteed. Sparhawk and Parker (left) center the personal challenges that come with this determination and largely, though not entirely, abandon the political malaise of Double Negative to focus on how existential dread can make a regular old social or romantic life that much harder. On “Don’t Walk Away,” a couple who’ve shared a bed for eternity still feel distant from each other, and the softness of the track’s formless synths and electronic garble emphasize the emotional gap. Atop the biting grayscale tremolo of “I Can Wait,” Sparhawk and Parker wail viciously an emotional cycle involving despondent complacence, passion for another person and an urge to withdraw entirely. Their voices cut through the abrasive haze, just like a steadfast will to keep going can silence thoughts of giving into dismay.

Of course, this being a Low album, grander sociopolitical affairs inevitably enter the picture, though only in fragments. “Disappearing” sees the duo reckoning with climate change’s potential for unimaginable destruction over stunning volcanic crescendos of industrial gnarl. “That disappearing horizon / It brings cold comfort to my soul / An ever-present reminder / The constant face of the unknown,” they sing so sharply that the arrangements don’t swallow their voices as is common on prior Low records. It’s hard not to think of the “disappearing horizon” as the notion that we’re rapidly running out of time to save the planet amid news that global temperatures are rising even faster than we thought. At the nearly a cappella outset of “Days Like These,” Sparhawk aptly summarizes how the ceaseless onslaught of bad news feels when he all but shouts, by Low’s standards, “When you think you’ve seen everything / Find we’re living in days like these.” As he and Parker add ginormous, fanged barbs of fuzz to their ruminations on this defeating era of isolation and fear, they sound equally anxious and sure-footed, just like all the rest of us going through the motions every day despite the urgency of the modern moment. For something so fatalistic, it’s invigoratingly confident and melodic in both its ripping and ambient moments.

Plain beauty and melody lie in every corner of HEY WHAT, even the ugly parts. On “More,” Parker’s fog-clearing falsetto gives her unimaginable strength amid the riveting, pipe-bashing destruction Sparhawk wields with his guitar. When the duo sing “I put a lot of thought / Into the price you pay / To hear the morning come” on “The Price You Pay (It Must Be Wearing Off),” the aqueous, silver synths make what could be an exhausted statement about returning from the end of one’s rope sound like a bracing reclamation of life, even as facing the future becomes tougher every day.

Sparhawk and Parker find an unusual kind of determination in their woes: Since there’s no escaping the growing reality of a doomed timeline, the best they can do is live this life while it lasts. It’s an antidote to disconnection, and the quasi-title track “Hey” administers this cure directly to the poison. The back half of the track’s gorgeous, dream-like drift finds Parker chanting “hey” into the void, only to eventually hear “what” back, as if she’s reaching out but only being misunderstood in return. Yet she remains placid, never succumbing to anger or sullenness. Instead, she keeps going.

A few tickets may still be available for this special event to be held in Manchester Cathedral (right) in April 2022.

See Tickets – Low Tickets | April 2022

The prime source for this article was a piece posted on-line by Max Freedman

In our occasional re-postings Sidetracks And Detours are confident that we are not only sharing with our readers excellent articles written by experts but are also pointing to informed and informative sites readers will re-visit time and again. Of course, we feel sure our readers will also return to our daily not-for-profit knowing that we seek to provide core original material whilst sometimes spotlighting the best pieces from elsewhere, as we engage with genres and practitioners along all the sidetracks & detours we take.

This article was collated by Norman Warwick, a weekly columnist with Lanzarote Information and owner and editor of this daily blog at Sidetracks And Detours. Norman has also been a long serving broadcaster, co-presenting the weekly all across the arts programme on Crescent Community Radio for many years with Steve, and his own show on Sherwood Community Radio, whilst regularly guesting on BBC Radio Manchester, BBC Radio Lancashire, BBC Radio Merseyside and BBC Radio 4. As a published author and poet he was a founder member of Lendanear Music, with Colin Lever and Just Poets with Pam McKee, Touchstones Creative Writing Group (where he was creative writing facilitator for a number of years) with Val Chadwick and all across the arts with Robin Parker.

From Monday to Friday, you will find a daily post here at Sidetracks And Detours and should you be looking for further good reading over the weekend you can visit our massive but easy to navigate archives of over 500 articles.

The purpose of this daily not-for-profit blog is to deliver news, previews, interviews and reviews from all across the arts to die-hard fans and non- traditional audiences around the world. We are therefore always delighted to receive your own articles here at Sidetracks And Detours. So if you have a favourite artist, event, or venue that you would like to tell us more about just drop a Word document attachment to me at with a couple of appropriate photographs in a zip folder if you wish. Beiung a not-for-profit organisation we unfortunately cannot pay you but we will always fully attribute any pieces we publish. You therefore might also. like to include a brief autobiography and photograph of yourself in your submission. We look forward to hearing from you.

Meanwhile we are grateful to our regular correspondent Michael Higgins and occasional reporter Steve Bewick and the sharing of information by such reliable sources such as

Hot Biscuits Jazz Radio            



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Rob Adams                                         Music That´s Going Places

Lanzarote Information              

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Lendanear                                           www.lendanearmusic

Agenda Cultura Lanzarote

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The Lanzarote Art Gallery        

Goodreads                                        https://www.goodreads.

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