Plain beauty and melody lie in every corner of HEY WHAT, even the ugly parts.

Our excellent guide, Miriam, said goodbye to us all having spoken comprehensively about everything wee has seen on the tour. She has been as excited about opening the doors to the underground dressing rooms which, deep in the belly of a volcano were far more impressive than some I have seen in the West End, as she was when talking about blind crabs and the flora and fauna of the caves.

The Society’s next concert will also be held in St. Michael’s Church, on Saturday, April 2nd, when the Sveta and Slava Duo (left) will be playing a wide range of music for cello and piano. Details on the website: www.rochdalemusicsociety.org.

Despite the euphoria of seeing covid seemingly evaporate and live music festivals reincarnate in the UK, and indeed here on Lanzarote, the health status of other countries around the world. My son in South Korea tells me that Seoul, where he lives, has a fantastic festival calendar for 2022, but dramatic spikes in the country´s pandemic figures still threaten the viability of such events. For now , the internet still appears to be carrying and promoting the fact that For the last few years, Korean music has become extremely popular and gained lots of fans not only in Korea but all over the world.

Day five, concluding the inaugural Sidetracks And Detours Bluegrass Music in text Festival 2022, offering SIGNPOSTS TO NEW BLUEGRASS STARS
So, what is a jam anyway? We get that question a lot — how does it work and how do we know where we’re going? Most of the time we don’t, and that’s the fun part! It’s a journey, and to me it’s much bigger than the band or any conventions of musical form. It’s not just some framework for extended improvisation. It’s a state-of-mind that focuses on the present moment, and the endless possibilities of that moment when you open it up to everyone involved — players, listeners, creators and fans, all riding the momentum of the music together to somewhere exciting and new where a rejuvenating light shines for all to see.

day four of Sidetracks And Detours´ inaugural Bluegrass Music in text Festival 2033, looking at what is INSTRUMENTAL TO BLUEGRASS.
banjos are one of the widest used folk musical instruments in the world.

Day three of the inaugural Sidetracks And Detours Bluegrass Music in text Festival 2022 THE SOUNDS OF BLUEGRASS HISTORY + plus + important jazz UK news
Some musicians play a little behind the beat.´They may do it by choice or they may not know they’re doing it, but I can’t sing with those musicians. I just can’t. For me to sing, I’ve got to have four other guys who play right smash on top of the beat. It doesn’t matter if the song is slow or fast, as long as they’re right on top of it. As soon as it starts to drag, I can’t live with it´.

Day two of our inaugural Sidetracks & Detours Anuual Bluegrass in text Festival 2022, showing us BLUEGRASS FESTIVALS ON EVERY HORIZON
Some bluegrass festivals are held far from large cities, in beautiful natural surroundings.

day one Sidetracks And Detours inaugural Bluegrass music in text Festival 2022 opened by ONE-TIME FOURTH BEST BANJO PLAYER … in Rochdale
I’ve played bongo drums in the Raffles Hotel Bar in Singapore at one a.m. and I’ve played “This Little Light of Mine” with a bunch of fundamentalist Christians, even though I’m a heathen non-believer.

Sid imitated the clacking looms with a rhyming ditty on the world of cotton in which he accompanied by the clacking with his own 'bones' or 'rickers' as we used to call them. This was a piece he had created as a voice over for performance by The About Time Dance Company Of Lancaster.