NOVEMBER NEWS from sidetracks & detours
NOVEMBER NEWS from sidetracks & detours
by Norman Warwick
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My friend Peter Pearson, a regular reader of these pages in the UK, was the first to respond to my wondering in yesterday´s post, across the great divide´about who might be among the next generation to follow in the footsteps of the late Nanci Griffith as a singer writer to make a difference to this world.
´I enjoyed your Nanci Griffith piece´, Peter wrote. ´I was going to suggest that you might consider an article on the new brigade of female singer songwriters and hope that you will do so in the follow up you mentioned. Nanci benefitted from being around and collaborating with some of the finest singer songwriters and at least three on my list of newcomers with lots of potential are already doing the same. Of course, we alreayh have the more mature brigade-Gretchen Peters, Beth Neilsen Chapman, Patty Griffin etc as well as the but in the still to mature category and producing excellent music, I would list Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O’Donovan, Sarah Watkins, Rhiannon Giddens (frequently mentioned down sidetracks & detours) and, the somewhat older, Amy Speace.
All are singer songwriters and multi instrumentalists. Sarah Jarosz last album was produced by John Leventhal (husband of Rosanne Cash) Sarah Watkins (ex Nickel Creek ) is mentored by Jackson Browne.
I look forward to seeing Sidetracks And Detours Nominations of those most likely to succeed. I hope, though, that Kasey Musgraves is not on your list !
Sorry to slightly disappoint you, Peter, but I suspect you are teasing me because you already recognise how much I enjoy Kacey´s work. It is perhaps because of, rather than despite, her being something of a marmite taste either loved or hated, that I so love her music.

Sidetracks And Detours are running a singer writer female festival in mid December 2021 that will be five consecutive days looking at established artists like Aretha Franklin Johan Armatrading, Katy Moffatt, Maria Mulkdaur and Sheryl Crow. We will then run a festival in the new year on those emerging female singer writers you mention and will certainly include Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O’Donovan and Sarah Watkins.
Watch this space for date details and an invitation to contribute a recommendation for female singer-writers of your choice.

Meanwhile we has more feedback from another reader, this time commenting on of our poetry and literature posts.

Another avid reader of Sidetracks & Detours is Michael Higgins (right). As he is also our arts and cultural correspondent, Michael is also an avid reader of Sidetracks And Detours. He has recently contacted us to comment on our Milton piece of a few days ago called Darkness Into Light, which was effectively a review of a new biography.
Michael wrote to say ´Just read your Milton book review Making Darkness Light. As you know from my article on first Lockdown reading in 2020 I have long admired Milton. As a Royalist I feel for his republicanism and low Presbyterianism. Paradise Lost is sublime, especially in its first parts. Paradise Regained not so striking which is not surprising given he power of the Lost world. I know the sonnet On His Blindness by heart. Of course in Milton’s day Latin, theological matters, and civil strife remained largely the world of the wealthy – as did erudite poetry. Today one needs all these facets and more to understand his theological and political arguments. Alas now poetry and classics are not the world of the privileged wealthy and educated, but the world of hermit-like academia. Ordinary folk have to do with pop, pap and tat- or in our case the Flying Horse free-for-all. I mean poets today seem to write for an elect few in a less enlightened way than did Milton.
Moving from the sublime to the less sublime Michael attached a copy of last week´s all across the arts page. It was a page written by another old friend of mine, Ian Aitchison, who from time to time bombards the Rochdale Observer´s all across the arts section, run by Steve Cooke, with his limericks. These were all to with the spooks and the spectres and the witches and the werewolves who these days all come out a Halloween.
In anticipation of what will be serves at the arts table in November, Michael looked back, too, at what had happened in October.
´The first Off the Rails session for a good while, having been derailed by covid, was last month held at a secret location in Chorley (a pub near the railway station) and went well´. Michael informed me, of the sessions that see poets congregating at one railway station or another anywhere in Lancashire and sometimes even further afield.
´There were plenty of guitars, mandolins, and voices harsh and soft. There was the hearty as well as the dreary, the poignant and sad along with the flighty and jolly- hunting songs, hunted songs, poisoning songs, and moaning about the price of beer (or happiness) songs, along with poetry about poverty and isolation. I sang my 15th century In Praise of Women song – which this time caused a shocked reaction over the ‘doing the wash and doing the wring’ verse as well as the verse ‘they serveth man both day and night’. Alas the session was also a part wake for Les Bond who having been admitted to hospital for treatment for something or other caught Coronavirus on the ward and passed away. He was a deadpan deliverer of monologues and his late brother Alan once edited a folk magazine I occasionally contributed to many years ago. Les was to have been our speaker at this month’s Edwin Waugh Dialect Society meeting. It too is now a wake with contributors delivering some of his monologues. Free whisky was provided for the memorial meditation before continuing the song-fest. But the mood did not seem right for a sung rendition of Masefield’s The West Wind so I chose something jollier instead. Robin Parker came and performed which was good but he is not in the best of health at the moment.
Musician and Gypsy song researcher Nick Dow, who was at the Off the Rails, has just published a book, of which I have a copy. The Secret Stream is full of Gypsy versions of well and lesser known folk songs. It seems a lot of Gypsy/Traveller lore comes via the boxing Tyson Fury family.
Flying Horse Pegasus poets (formerly Those Bard From The Baum have changed their meeting time for their Sunday sessions at 7pm due to early 10 pm closing time of the bar Sunday evenings
Pegasus, the Flying Horse, might not even be the strangest sight to be seen in Rochdale recently as Andrew Moorhouse of that parish observed a couple of days ago, saying on his facebook page

Very happy to welcome Little Amal (left) to my home town today. A decent crowd. Classes of primary school kids in their high-vis jackets, plenty of pensioners (people slightly older than me you understand), young mothers; one with pram, papoose and LRB tote bag, two ladies sharing a bag of Uncle Joe’s, a young woman with a ‘Love Over Hate, Love Over Ignorance, Love Over Indifference, Love Over Ego etc’ t-shirt, and people from (that strange flat earth phrase) the four corners of the globe. Wardle School Band played ‘My Heart Will Go On’, ‘Supertrooper’, ‘The Eye of the Tiger’ but sadly failed to do ‘All Around the World’ when Lisa Stansfield turned up albeit without the Walrus of Love. One five year old greeted Amal with an appreciative ‘Holy Crap!’
Music and cheering had greeted Amal as she made her way through the streets of the North West this week before passing through Rochdale, and the reception our twon gave her was just as welcoming,
The giant puppet represents displaced children around the world and here in the North West the community has welcomed her with kindness and compassion.
Amal has embarked on a three month journey to get here, starting at the Syrian-Turkey border and then travelling over 8,000 kilometres across Europe on both land and sea.
But that journey came to an end later (3 November) when she stepped into Manchester.

Andrew Moorhouse is also one of the excellent poets of the Flying Horse Pegasus squad is also a publisher of Fine Poetry Press and he, like Michael, is a busy man these days. He has been launching a new title recently and wrote pm his facebook page that ´ One of the difficulties of being a publisher who sells his own publications at the author’s event is that you get nervous about leaving the books unattended and end up having to watch the event on a flickering tv with dodgy sound outside the auditorium. Anyway – it was a success with over 50 copies of 70 Notices, Simon Armitage’s celebration of The Peak District as a National Park (right), sold last night. The frontispiece wood engraving of The Boxing Gloves, Kinder Scout is by David Robertson.
It should also be noted that a there is a forthcoming launch of the new Falinge Writers group, facilitated by Eileen Earnshaw and guests, Eileen is a witty and compassionate poet and writer and another fine Rochdale poet, Seamus Kelly will be delivering a series of workshops influenced by the Gaia installation coming to Rochdale from 22nd November. The group´s first session in Falinge Park is from 10:00 to 12:00 on Thursday 11th November. Why not go along and and join in whether you want to write, already write or just wonder what it might be like – it will be great.#falingewriters#vintageworx @vintageworx #rochdale #writing #writing group #falingepark @falingepark

Gaia is huge replica of planet Earth is coming to Rochdale. The internationally renowned Gaia installation will be available to visit at Number One Riverside in the town centre from Saturday 20 November until Christmas Eve.
Rochdale MBC are confident that Gaia will spark the imagination of those who visit and help inspire us all to think about the changes we can make to protect our precious planet
As many of us are more and more focused on environmental issues. this chance to marvel at a replica of our earth, and consider how precious and mind-blowing it is, looks to be an unmissable experience for Rochdale and Greater Manchester in general.
UK artist Luke Jerram’s internationally renowned Gaia installation is seven metres in diameter and created from detailed NASA imagery of the Earth’s surface. It will provide the opportunity to see the planet on a huge scale, floating in three dimensions. A surround-sound composition by BAFTA award-winning composer Dan Jones will be played alongside the sculpture.
In addition to the Gaia installation, Rochdale council has put together a number of other environmentally themed special events. During Gaia’s five-week Rochdale residency, television presenter and “Gastronaut” Stefan Gates will perform his Extreme Science show. Promising “an unforgettable, explosive edible adventure” exploring the bizarre science behind our food. Expect vortex cannons, explosions, glowing drinks, edible chemical reactions, colour-
changing cocktails. If you’re of nervous disposition, you might want to stand well back as audience interaction is encouraged.
The exhibition and supporting events are being staged in partnership with Rochdale Borough Council and Your Trust (formerly Link4Life), supported financially by the Garfield Weston Foundation.
Councillor Sue Smith, cabinet member for communities and co-operation at Rochdale Borough Council said: “Gaia is uniquely inspiring and seeing it up close in Number One Riverside is going to be amazing. But we also have this exciting line-up of other things to see and do whilst it’s here. The activities that will run during Gaia’s stay in Rochdale around the themes of sustainability, lifecycles and looking after the environment, are something we can all relate to. It will be an opportunity to give visitors a new perspective of our place on the planet and for children and their families, a lot of fun too.”
Darren Grice, deputy chief executive of Your Trust added: “We’re delighted to be supporting Gaia in Rochdale. Just like Dippy, we hope Gaia will spark the imagination of those who visit and help inspire us all to think about the changes we can make to protect our precious planet.”
Why not make a meal of it and visit one of Rochdale’s best restaurants while you’re in the area? Although there is no guarantee of glow in the dark drinks will be on the menu the town has a gooD reputation for good food.
Gaia will be at Number One Riverside, Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU from 20 Nov – 24 Dec 2021.
It will be open to the public seven days a week, 9am-5.30pm weekdays (extended until 6.30pm on Mondays) and 10am-6pm on Saturdays and 1pm-6pm on Sundays.

There is exciting news from Rochdale on the music front too. We noticed a post from Rochdale Music Society member, Graham Marshall of an excellent review of The Meraki Duo (flute and guitar) which we will carry on these pages on Monday 8th November. This was the concert that re-launched their concert series after a lengthy shutdown enforced by covid regulations. After a concert as superb as the one Graham describes we are sure it is a already beginning to feel as though normal service has been resumed. Their six concert series are always full of wonderful music and they are certainly continuing that tradition in St. Chad’s Parish Church, Sparrow Hill, on Saturday, 27 November, when the Georgian pianistic genius, Luka Okros returns to Rochdale by audience demand and will include Nocturnes and Ballades by Chopin in what promises to be a programme to remember. For on line bookings go to

Meanwhile, our friends at the Adsubian Gallery in Spain, a venue we have previously featured on these pages, have told us about Vincent Cazaumayou (left) an interesting artist they are showcasing on-line throughout November.
Vincent comes from a family of long-standing artistic fame. His grandfather, PierreGaston Rigaud was a post-impressionist painter, His uncle Jean Rigaud, a well-known seascape artist, his father a cartoonist under the name Caza, and his brother Philip Caza a comic book author.
It was natural for Vincent to follow in their footsteps.
His main inspiration comes from landscaping. Travelling from Provence to Italy and Spain, he paints his subject in oil on canvas, and searches widely for the sunlit Mediterranean villages and hidden scenes that sparkle in the turquoise water. The Adsubian Gallery has sold many of Vincent’s works to clients in America, where he is very popular. The Adsubian Gallery holds a wonderful selection of Vincents works of art. Many of which are beautiful scenes of Adsubia and Forna.
to look at prospective purchases, check out

due to ill health of artist
Jazz can be found in all sorts of places right around the world. Here on Lanzarote, there are two distinct music scenes. Jazz standards, folk, country, blues and middle of the road standards are served up by several accomplished English language acts that play for the tourists in the local bars and restaurants.
Sadly the first news we received on the Lanzarote jazz scene for November was about a cancellation, We had been looking forward to seeing Gabriel Cubas in concert at the Museo Del Timple in Teguise on Friday 5th November, and to bringing you our thoughts on the concert, too, of course.
I´m afraid we´ll have to wait for all that to happen as the artist is unwell at the moment so the event will have to be re-scheduled for when he has recovered. We wish him a speedy return to the stage.
Although folk-lore music is the staff of life served by indigenous Spanish speaking musicians of Lanzarote, it is often of a fusion nature and jazz tinged. There are other musical genres to enjoy, too. For instance, we have just this minute booked our tickets to see Tânia Oleiro, who has been singing for 17 years. In 2015 she put her heart and soul to her album Terços de Fado, a record that reflects her route to acquire the traditional knowledge and the vast wealth of Fado music.

Born in Lisbon, she had Fado as her cradle and, rooted in her historical legacy. Tânia Oleiro (right) has knowledge of the traditional opens paths to the contemporary. She is as careful in selecting her repertoire, as she is in choosing the musicians who accompany her and support her extraordinary interpretive power.
She builds her show with the most emblematic songs of the album Terços de Fado, with traditional themes of the wide fadista repertoire and some surprises that she is preparing for the next album. Discreet but with an unwavering firmness, the fado singer brings with her the ancient tradition and simplicity of her youth.
Fado music is part of The Portuguese musical history and the word possibly comes from the Latin word fatum (“fate”, “death” or “utterance” ). The word is linked to the music genre itself, although both meanings are approximately the same in the two languages. Nevertheless, many songs play on the double meaning, such as the Amália Rodrigues song “Com que voz”, which includes the lyric “Com que voz chorarei meu triste fado” (“With what voice should I lament my sad fate/sing my sad fado?”).
We have attended performances of Fado in the past and whilst I can´t pretend to understand too much about it I hear a keening I associate with middle or eastern Europe and detect a melancholy touched by the Blues. We are looking forward to learning more about the genre when we attend the concert at Teatro El Salinero in Arrecife at 8-00 pm on November 27th.

Even before that, however, we will be at the Cic El Almecem ¨warehouse´ in Arrecife on 19th November to hear Said Muti (left) presentsthe most intimate and acoustic version of his latest tour Los Abrazos Furtivos. On this occasion, he appears on the scene with the most powerful weapon an author can have; the songs. In this way, we can enjoy a concert in which the works are shown naked and acoustic, as they were born; accompanied by the guitar and voice with which they were composed and the mastery on the piano of Miguel Izquierdo, faithful squire of Muti in what is being advertised as a ´deep and personal show´.
This is a unique opportunity to see Said just before he sets off on a new musical journey, and begin recording what will be his third studio album. In addition, in this concert he will offer his faithful followers some unpublished songs, including pieces he has created in what has surely been a convulsive year for everyone. Lyrics and melodies that evoke once again, the powerful universe created by Muti in each of his previous albums.

As we turn our attention back to the UK, we would like to point you to some excellent jazz on the radio as well as for live events.
HOT BISCUITS: presented by Steve Bewick on
Steve Bewick, (below) the laid back presenter of Hot Biscuits informs us, via facebook each week, of what his programme will contain. We are happy to re-present it for you here, because his show goes out on the radio and the internet so you can tune in or stream, wherever you are. Below is his announcement.

presenting Hot Biscuits
I have recently added to my archives at FC-Radio Towers a selection of broadcasts from earlier in the year. These included a live set from Ellie Whitley and four further musicians and bands all from the Hillary Step venue. Also included is an interview and playlist from Sue Bradley from the Ribble Valley Jazz & Blues – Events & Festivals. I further added a broadcast of the blues based around Mat Walklate, harmonica player extraordinaire. For regular listening’s of Hot Biscuits you can catch my shows on Wednesdays, or Thursdays at 9pm, or late Saturdays at 11pm at to find the vaults go to
I´m sure listeners enjoyed Steve´s recent Halloween special and this week´s inclusion of a live set from Joe Parnell’s Quartet, including Paul Kilvington, Frank Grimes and Mike Holmes, recorded at Altrincham, in the Old Market Tavern by Phil Portus. Also on the broadcast was music from Daphna Levyna, Michele Osten, Annette GS Gregory, Martin Pyne and Gary Hubbard’s Panatechincon. If this sounds interesting then share it with your friends and join Steve on Wednesday, or Thursday at 9pm, (GMT) or late Saturday at 11pm (GMT) at For archives of past shows go to

You can also hear jazz on The Ribble Valley Jazz And Blues Radio Show on Wednesdays at 9.00 pm, so thank goodness streaming helps overcame these programme clashes. So, you can listen live at 106.7 FM or stream on line at or even listen to it on any one of a number of apps.
Also note that Phil Lee, who joined the writing team at RVJB team recently has been commissioned to produce Jazz Pleasures, a series of wise and witty anecdotal observations about Jazz and its history. His articles always include a relevant recommended Spotify playlist. Find out more about both their radio broadcasts and live events scheduled for November at the excellently informative web site at
Ribble Valley Jazz and Blues – Home (

Jazz In Reading have patently enjoyed telling us about recent re-openings in their area of venues that suffered lengthy lockdown closures. It seems that part of the country is once again jumping and jiving to live jazz or enjoying a smoother version of jazz with ambient supper club sounds.
Last night, 4th November, fans in the region were treated to a concert by the UK’s top guitarist. Nigel Price and his band is at an all-time high! Having recently enjoyed a sell-out show at Ronnie Scott’s that was a raging success Nigel brought the most acclaimed and wonderfully entertaining band in UK jazz by coming to a Jazz Experience at Monkton Barn, Marlow as a part of his current UK tour.
Many fans consider Nigel Price to be, quite simply, the best British jazz outfit playing right now. He is a brilliant, funky, and original player of world renown (he is also an entertaining raconteur!). His band features Ross Stanley on B3 Hammond Organ, that most soulful of instruments, and Joel Barford drums, together with special guest Vasilis Xenopoulos on tenor saxophone. Expect a thoroughly entertaining evening!
To check out other live dates in the area visit

Regarding live events it is invariably Music That´s Going Places (see our cover image) that gets there first. When Rob Adams´ excellent listings service of that name knocked on my e mail door on Halloween Night demanding ´trick or treat.´ I said I would treat them by putting their listings at the top of our diary dates. In return they allowed me to share with our readers this treat of a wonderful collection of forthcoming jazz events

Pianist Brian Kellock (left) returns to Playtime as November’s guest on Friday 5th. Brian will join Playtime’s ‘core four’ of Martin Kershaw (saxophones), Graeme Stephen (guitar), Mario Caribe (bass) and Tom Bancroft (drums) live at Pathhead Village Hall. As capacity will be limited due to social distancing, with the audience seated in households/families, the gig will also be streamed here.

Tommy Smith (right) continues his solo saxophone odyssey around cathedrals and churches with a return to Dunfermline Abbey Church on Sunday 7th. Situated above the historic ancient abbey, the church is a beautifully atmospheric building with an ideal acoustic for Tommy’s investigations of mostly familiar melodies from the jazz, folk, Gaelic and praise song traditions and inspired improvisations. The concert starts at 3:00pm
Tommy also features in his duo with pianist Pete Johnstone at the Blue Lamp in Aberdeen on Thursday 11th. Through working together in Tommy’s ‘Coltrane’ quartet and in the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra’s embracing of various styles of music, Tommy and Pete have developed a strong rapport, sparking ideas off one another as they play jazz from Duke Ellington to Chick Corea and Michael Brecker and folk melodies from the Scottish, Gaelic and Middle Eastern traditions.

Kurt Elling reunites with the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra to bring one of the great voices in contemporary jazz and a thrilling new repertoire to Edinburgh (Thursday18th), Perth (Friday 19th), Glasgow (Saturday 20th) and Aberdeen (Sunday 21st). Entitled Apparition Bridge, this latest collaboration celebrates great European jazz with specially commissioned arrangements including compositions by Esbjorn Svensson, Jan Garbarek, Paris-based Ivorian Anne Paceo, Joe Zawinul and pianist Maggi Olin.

Pianist Fergus McCreadie’s trio (right) are out on the road again with concerts in Kirkcaldy (Saturday 20th), Wells-next-the-Sea, in Norfolk (Tuesday 23rd), Cambridge (Wednesday 24th), Luton (Thursday 25th) and Birmingham (Friday 26th). The Birmingham gig, in the new performance space at Symphony Hall, begins at 5:00pm. Feedback from the trio’s October gigs has been enthusiastic, to say the least.

Saxophonist Brian Molley (left) releases his quartet’s third album, Modern Traditions, on December 3rd. Early responses from radio presenters internationally have been extremely positive. Brian has a saxophone style that never wastes a note and the well travelled quartet swings superbly. They launch the album at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh on Sunday 7th.

Scottish National Jazz Orchestra’s (right) Where Rivers Meet series of suites from its St Giles’ Cathedral streamed concerts is available to download at Bandcamp. London Jazz News has described the release as “an amazing collection … stunning” and similar praise has come in from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Italy. Bandcamp Friday, when all sales revenue goes direct to the musicians, takes place on Friday 5th. So that would be a good day to support the SNJO and acquire any other music you’ve been meaning to buy.
November Diary from Music That´s Going Places
Blue Lamp
Thu 4: Nimbus Sextet
Sun 7: Marisha Addison Qnt
Thu 11: Tommy Smith & Pete Johnstone
Thu 18:Murray Brothers & David Lyttle
Thu 25: tbc
Music Hall
Sun 21: Kurt Elling with Scottish National Jazz Orchestra
Crail Community Hall
Sat 6: Ali Affleck
Dunfermline Abbey
Sun 7: Tommy Smith (solo saxophone)
Jazz Bar
Wed 3: Jazzmain
Thu 4: David Series Qrt
Wed 10: Fraser Urquhart Trio
Thu 11: Stephen Henderson’s Modern Vikings
Fri 12: Meerkat Parade
Wed 17: Murray Brothers & David Lyttle
Thu 18: Stewart Forbes Five
Fri 19: Boptimism
Wed 24: Petter Wettre
Queen’s Hall
Thu 18: Kurt Elling with Scottish National Jazz Orchestra
Fri 26: Georgia Cecile
Traverse Theatre
Mon 1: Rachel Duns Qnt
Sun 7: Brian Molley Qrt
Cottiers Theatre
Sun 28: Karen MacIver (solo piano)
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
Sat 20: Kurt Elling with Scottish National Jazz Orchestra
Old Kirk
Sat 20: Fergus McCreadie Trio
606 Club
Mon 1: Melissa James
Sat 13: Peter King Memorial Sax Summit
Mon 15: Mark Lockheart’s Generations Band
Wed 17: Gary Husband – The Speed Racers + 1
Thu 18: Gwilym Simcock Qnt
Sun 21: Liane Carroll
Tue 21: Peter Bernstein & Jim Mullen
Ronnie Scott’s
Mon 1: Nishla Smith
Tue 2: Ben Wendel
Fri 5, Sat 6: Theo Croker
Tue 9: Georgia Cecile
Thu 11, Fri 12: Richard Bona & Alfredo Rodriguez Band
Sat 13: Christian Sands
Mon 14: Kathrine Windfeld Sextet
Wed 17: Nils Petter Molvaer Group
Tue 23: Marius Neset Qnt
Wed 24, Thu 25, Fri 26: Kenny Garrett
Nairn Community & Arts Centre
Fri 12: Quattro MacJazz
Perth Concert Hall
Fri 19: Kurt Elling with Scottish National Jazz Orchestra
Since 2012 we have organised tours and festival and concert appearances by Leo Blanco, Tommy Smith & Brian Kellock, Arild Andersen Trio, New Focus, Christine Tobin, Ollie Howell, Tina May, Ola Onabule, Louis Durra, Nigel Clark, Guitar Journey, Jyotsna Srikanth, Don Paterson, Brian Molley, Alyn Cosker, Fergus McCreadie, Philip Clouts, Zoe Francis & Jim Mullen, Karen Marshalsay, Russian String Orchestra, Tim Garland, and Catriona McKay & Chris Stout.
We’ve also helped Eyemouth Hippodrome, Craiglockhart Church, Jazz at St James in Leith and Red Door, Linlithgow with programming and given PR assistance to Playtime, The Jazz Bar, Bridge Music, Fat-Suit, and Paul Towndrow & Ryan Quigley’s ‘With Strings’ project. Clients also include Laura Macdonald & David Berkman, Spark Trio, Ron Davis, Going Dutch, Dave Milligan, SNJO, Thick Records (NZ), Matt Carmichael, Lucien Johnson, Prime Trio, STRATA, Jasmine Lovell-Smith, and Tom Stephenson.

The primary sources for this article have been listings and press releases from Music That´s Going Places, Jazz In Reading and Ribble Valley Jazz And Blues all of which provide an excellent, and invaluable, service to the live jazz scene in the UK. and Hot Biscuits Radio programme.
In our occasional re-postings Sidetracks And Detours are confident that we are not only sharing with our readers excellent articles written by experts but are also pointing to informed and informative sites readers will re-visit time and again. Of course, we feel sure our readers will also return to our daily not-for-profit blog knowing that we seek to provide core original material whilst sometimes spotlighting the best pieces from elsewhere, as we engage with genres and practitioners along all the sidetracks & detours we take.

This article was collated by Norman Warwick (left), a weekly columnist with Lanzarote Information and owner and editor of this daily blog at Sidetracks And Detours.
He is also a founder member of the Joined Up Jazz Journalists (JUJJ) with Steve Bewick, writer, poet and radio presenter of Hot Biscuits weekly jazz programme, Gary Heywood-Everett, jazz writer and local historian and Susana Fondon, contributor and reporter at Lanzarote Information. The purpose of forming JUJJ is to share a love of jazz music at the same time as growing our knowledge of the genre to provide an increasingly comprehensive service for our readers and listeners.
Norman has also been a long serving broadcaster, co-presenting the weekly all across the arts programme on Crescent Community Radio for many years with Steve, and his own show on Sherwood Community Tadio. He has been a regular guest on BBC Radio Manchester, BBC Radio Lancashire, BBC Radio Merseyside and BBC Radio 4.
As a published author and poet he was a founder member of Lendanear Music, with Colin Lever and Just Poets with Pam McKee, Touchstones Creative Writing Group (where he was creative writing facilitator for a number of years) with Val Chadwick and all across the arts with Robin Parker.
From Monday to Friday, you will find a daily post here at Sidetracks And Detoursas and should you be looking for good reading over the weekend you can visit our massive but easy to navigate archives of over 500 articles.

The purpose of this daily not-for-profit blog is to deliver news, previews, interviews and reviews from all across the arts to die-hard fans and non- traditional audiences around the world. We are therefore always delighted to receive your own articles here at Sidetracks And Detours. So if you have a favourite artist, event, or venue that you would like to tell us more about just drop a Word document attachment to me at with a couple of appropriate photographs in a zip folder if you wish. Being a not-for-profit organisation we unfortunately cannot pay you but we will always fully attribute any pieces we publish. You therefore might also. like to include a brief autobiography and photograph of yourself in your submission. We look forward to hearing from you.
Meanwhile we are grateful to our regular correspondent Michael Higgins, jazz reporter Steve Bewick and occasional commentator Peter Pearson and we really appreciate the sharing of information by such reliable sources such as
Hot Biscuits Jazz Radio
Jazz In Reading
Ribble Valley Jazz & Blues
Rob Adams Music That´s Going Places
Lanzarote Information
all across the arts
Rochdale Music Society
Lendanear www.lendanearmusic
Agenda Cultura Lanzarote
Larry Yaskiel – writer
cooltura Lanzarote
The Lanzarote Art Gallery
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.
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