Entries by Norman Warwick


Taking this imaginary journey has led me along the back roads, by the rivers of my memory, with Rochdale ever gentle on my mind, and encouraged me to subscribe to the I Love Manchester (left) newsletter. The arts scene of Oldham, Rochdale, Bury and Bolton seems, in fact, healthier than when I left it, notwithstanding the sadness about the Oldham Coliseum. The area could have no stronger and has working champions Steve Cooke and all his cookies, producing so much positivity all across the arts from behind the scenes.


For the first half of the twentieth century mobsters and musicians enjoyed a mutually beneficial partnership. By offering artists like Louis Armstrong, Earl “Fatha” Hines, Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Lena Horne, and Ella Fitzgerald a stage, the mob, including major players Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, and Charlie “Lucky” Luciano, provided opportunities that would not otherwise have existed.

BEN FOLDS: found, ´lost´ and found again

Folds has also written scores for classic animated movies such as Hoodwinked! and Over the Hedge. The jack-of-all-trades in music has brought a refreshing sound to the world of singer/songwriters. It helps to know how to play the piano, bass and drums when making some of the best songs of the 21st century.


There is something mystical and magical and medieval about the streets of this town that was once the capital of the island, with its churches and convents and large houses and a castle dominating its horizon. Only a few years ago my wife, Dutton the Button, and I witnessed street gang fights, in the pitch black of night illuminated only by the lit clock at the top of the church tower


Today we give a loud shout-out to the jazz Grammy award nominees and winners of 2023, we mourn the passing of Wayne Shorter and we share recommendations from jazziz about new record releaes and upcoming jazz gigs. We alo point you to the official web site of a lady causing quite a stir and who looks certain to take her place among the jazz greats.

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Ángeles Portana (left) was born to be an artist. Like a tree, she grew up with roots within a family of great masters, whose works are in great museums such as the Prada Museum.Ángeles has participated in multiple exhibitions in Spain. She has achieved recognition of professional prestige, Gold Medal, Europe Forum 2001 in Madrid, and her works have sold in many countries U.S.A., France andGermany


Beck rarely, if ever, used a pick. He’d strum with his thumb and index almost immortally, as if the heavens touched his hands in a way the rest of us will never experience. 50 years have passed and all of Beck’s creative ticks and tricks are still indescribable.

the road to nowhere,… or TO EVRYWHERE?

If your read the recent text of a speech made by The President of Lanzarote about the way ahead for the tourism of the island, I think you will find she made some serious reflections on how her country might survive the prospective surge in tourist numbers that are already suffocating some of the island. However, The Daily Mail have been accused of editorialising her words, surely knowing their own interpretation would mean different things to different people, some of whom would read The Daily Mail story and feel as though Dolores Corujo had delivered a slap to the face of our tourist industry whilst others might just read the piece as a show of support to all sectors of our economy, including tourism.