Entries by Norman Warwick


In our occasional re-postings Sidetracks And Detours are confident that we are not only sharing with our readers excellent articles written by experts but are also pointing to informed and informative sites readers will re-visit time and again. Of course, we feel sure our readers will also return to our daily not-for-profit blog knowing that we seek to provide core original material whilst sometimes spotlighting the best pieces from elsewhere, as we engage with genres and practitioners along all the sidetracks & detours we take.



Still, though, I can hear in my head a lyrical line that accompanies the New World Symphony Opus 9 music  but the voice I hear is not mine (its in tune) and nor is it the voice of Colin Lever, my Lendanear song-writing partner, so I´m pretty damned certain we didn´t write it. Who did, though?


I’d tell him, okay, Wayne, “you’re the bird.” So he’d go out in the studio, put his horn in his mouth, and the first lick that came out of him was so like a bird. It was amazing. Then his hand was in the air waving for “one more take,” and I said, “no way. I’ll punch you in, but I won’t start over.” So I punched him in and I left the first lick that he played on the record. It was magnificent. He was just kind of unconscious when he played it, but it was so bird-like and so unusual. He was a beautiful musician. He will be sorely missed.


Julie Hesmondhalgh has called on supporters of Oldham Coliseum to STAGE A SIT-IN as Steve Cooke reports From his all across the arts office in Rochdale Steve Cooke, (left) has updated his story that we published last week under the title of Final Curtain Call At Coliseum. That piece has now been archived in our […]



I enjoy watching all kinds of awards and have learned so much about life, music and creativity from meeting some of the great performers, their stories and lives can be very sad but also inspiring.  I think the awards encourage me to be an individual, true to myself and my art. My own ambition is to be there for my family while continuing to write, perform and share music to the very best of my ability. 

JIM STEINMAN: a proper ´popera´ star

Steinman had an unerring ability to successfully cannibalise his own failures. The solitary album by Pandora’s Box didn’t even warrant a US release, which enabled him to subsequently uproot its single, It’s All Coming Back to Me Now, and present it to Céline Dion, who turned it into a multi-platinum 1996 single.


it took us through hundreds of thousands of years from cold caves to central heating, from agriculture to industry to fishing to society and civilisation.