Entries by Norman Warwick



Thousands of contributors to the legacy and perpetuity of rock and roll are included  in this third edition encyclopedia of what is clearly stated to be rock and roll rather than simply an encyclopedia of ´the somewhat obscure names listened to by Norman Warwick. Nevertheless a casual leaf through the entire A to Z threw up a list of many artists who now live in the shaded part of a Venn diagram that sees many in the circle representing The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock And Roll, and others I would consider to be Norms not ´very well known but nevertheless seminal´figures, all lving together in the shady area.


his Romeo and Juliet with Dire Staits as perfectly caught the sounds of the street and its shorthand conversations as surely as ever did Shakespeare a few hundred years ago. Whereas Shakespeare had Romeo suggest ´Let´s Talk. It is not day´, Knopfler had him ask, ÿou and me giorl, how about it?´we all knew what they both meant !


And in Pál Banda he had an ideal vehicle for these ever-thrilling compositions. They thrive on their own mystery. Come December, it may or may not be deemed necessary to compile a short list of Events of the Year. This is the third candidate for it already. Such things should not be reduced to the tawdry level of a league table and last year I didn’t pick an outright winner but some things are somehow ‘better’ than some other things and sometimes, in some way, that is in some part, the point.

all across the arts TO NEW HORIZONS

Steve Cooke has done a superb job of maintaining the all across the arts page. Over the last seven years he has surrounded himself with, and has enjoyed the support of, the great and the good of the Rochdale arts scene, with its revenue funded arts organisations, independent artists, theatres, galleries and pub venues. Poets Seamus Kelly and Eileen Earnshaw were regular contributors to his pages and he carried news from local groups like Touchstones cwg, Weaving Words,  Langley Writers and followed the nomadic wanderings of Those Bard From The Baum to the Flying Horse and beyond, and Mr. Cooke maintained a synergy with Steve Bewick jazz radio presenter of Hot Biscuits.