by Norman Warwick
We told you yesterday that we had recently heard rumours down at Jazz Junction about a special release of Bing Crosby Sings the Cole Porter Songbook by Bing Crosby, a singer and film star who crossed many genres but who is still seen today by many jazz fans as one of their own.
You know what we´re like. If we hear a good story we want to buy the book. However, there are so many stories about Bing Crosby that we´re gonna need a bigger bookshelf .

we´re gonna need a bigger bookshelf

The first biography we bought was Bing Crosby by Jerry Andrade that carries the strap-line ´Unveiling the Legacy, controversies and enduring influence of the iconic entertainer´. The author says of Bing Crosby that he was ´a true legend´. Throughout the text the author reminds us that Crosby effectively the country’s first superstar, much acclaimed both domestically and abroad. Crosby was a celebrity both on and off stage because of his catchy songs, memorable name, and easy-going, endearing nature.
When Bing Crosby first came to California as a young man with little, he quickly rose to fame. Even though these words may appear exaggerated, they aren’t. Over the course of his lengthy career, he appeared in over 70 films and cut almost 1,600 songs. Bing Crosby could be heard at stations as far away as India, according to soldiers who returned from World War II; his music had a magnetic effect on just about everyone who heard it. The life that is detailed in this book is examined in great detail.
Learn about a variety of topics, including
Birth and Early Life
His Path to Fame
The Call of Hollywood
His Musical Style and Voice
His Problems and Disputations
Crosby’s Legacy
And a lot more!

We felt that another biography might help balance our views so we also purchased Bing Crosby: Biography, a version written by Gabriel J. Halvorsen, and this time carrying the strap line..
“the man who re-defined meolodies with a voice that resonated globally, making the world sing along”.
In this book you can follow the remarkable journey of Bing Crosby, from law school dropout to global media mogul, in this insightful biography. Unveil the financial ascent, business ventures, and enduring impact that transcend mere wealth. Explore his unique education, shaping the birth of the iconic “crooner” image.
You can also witness Crosby’s ownership in entertainment, from intimate clubs to Hollywood glamour, and his legacy of live magic on the road. Awards and nominations, including Grammy and Academy Awards, punctuate his versatile career. Delve into his global impact, humanitarian efforts, and the personal harmonies that resonate through his life.
As you read you might well find yourself experiencing love’s melodies and resilience against personal discord as Crosby’s life unfolds. In his second wind, from crooner to cultural icon, embrace a legacy echoing through generations. From a television renaissance to conservation efforts, Crosby’s influence transcends genre walls.
In the final chapters, celebrate a life well-lived, a gentle finale, and the enduring melody that defines Bing Crosby’s legacy. This biography simplifies the intricate notes of his life, offering a harmonious journey through the circle of Bing’s lasting impact.
At Christmas season, take a moment to remember Bing Crosby, especially on Christmas Songs Day, acknowledging his timeless contributions. Reflect on the void left by his absence, appreciating the warmth he brought to the holiday season with classics like “White Christmas.” His enduring influence is missed, yet his melodies continue to resonate, creating a lasting connection on festive days.
Reissued to coincide with the paperback publication of the definitive Bing biography by Gary Giddins, here is “a collection of anecdotes and reminiscences that is as warm and witty as any Crosby performance.

It might say something of Crosby´s perceived charm and self-deprecation that the final book we collected was his ´own story´, as told to Pete Martin and was entitled Call Me Lucky
Interestingly this book carries an introduction by Gary Giddens, auther of another Bing biography. (A Pocket Full Of Dreams.
Giddens writes in his introduction to Call Me Lucky that the book is ´One of the most enchanting of all show-business memoirs.” In fact Call Me Lucky was reissued to coincide with the paperback publication of the definitive Bing biography by Gary Giddins.
Nevertheless one critic, Will Friedwlad wrote that within Call Me Lucky there is “a collection of anecdotes and reminiscences that is as warm and witty as any Crosby performance. [Bing] could have surely become a full-time writer had his schedule not been taken up with being one of the great entertainers of the century.”
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