


a must for inclusion in your library

suggests Norman Warwick

I know I keep whinging on about it, but eight years ago just after I had come to live here on Lanzarote my former home in the UK endured The Great Boxing Day  Floods of 2015.  This saw the raging River Roch carry the thousands of books and cds I had left in temporary storage in my brother´s lock-up surfing down to the North Sea. It was all shown live on Sky News on our computer as were waiting for The Queen´s Speech.

I have since re-stocked to about 1% of my original collection and, of course, have added some new titles I hadn´t previously held.. Amongst these, the one I regard with the greatest pride, is the Third Edition of The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia Of Rock And Roll, given to me by my friend Larry Yaskiel, a man who, himself,  knows a good deal about Rock and Roll, having been a music exec at A&M records at the height of the pop music era.

The Encylopedia (left) is a massive tome, and is a child of the original Rolling Stone magazine. I have just about made space for the book, but now I learn we´re going to require space, too, for Like A Rolling Stone:: A Memoir by Jann Wenner.

Rolling Stone founder, co-editor and publisher, Jann Wenner offers a ´touchingly honest´ and ´wonderfully deep´memoir from the beating heart of classic rock and roll. So says Bruce Springsteen, and he is not the only one,

Jann Wenner has been called by his peers “the greatest editor of his generation.”

His deeply personal memoir vividly describes and brings you inside the music, the politics, and the lifestyle of a generation, an epoch of cultural change that swept America and beyond. The age of rock and roll was an era of consequence, and is what will be considered one of the great watersheds in modern history. Wenner writes with the clarity of a journalist and an essayist.

Wenner takes us into the life and work of Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Bono, and Bruce Springsteen, to name a few. He was instrumental in the careers of Hunter S. Thompson, Tom Wolfe, and Annie Leibovitz. His journey took him to the Oval Office with his legendary interviews with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, leaders to whom Rolling Stone gave its historic, full-throated backing. From Jerry Garcia to the Dalai Lama, Aretha Franklin to Greta Thunberg, the people Wenner chose to be seen and heard in the pages of Rolling Stone tried to change American culture, values, and morality.

Like a Rolling Stone is a beautifully written portrait of one man’s life, and the life of his generation

we´re gonna need a bigger bookshelf

Title                 Like A Rolling Stone (a memoir)

author              Jann Wenner

Price                35.00

Publisher Little Brown and Company

Publish Date   September 13, 2022

Pages               592

Dimensions     6.0 X 9.3 X 2.0 inches | 2.06 pounds

Language        English

Type                Hardcover

ENN/UPC       9780316415194

Jann S. Wenner was born in New York City and raised in San Francisco and Marin County. He founded Rolling Stone in 1967. Over the ensuing decades, Rolling Stone won many awards for its design, photography, public service, and journalism, and was instrumental in launching the careers of many ground-breaking journalists and photographers. He also founded and published Outside, US Weekly, Family Life, and Men’s Journal. A member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and the youngest inductee in the American Society of Magazine Editor’s Hall of Fame, Wenner lives in New York and Idaho. He is married and has six children.


“A frank, sharp memoir by a zeitgeist-savvy entrepreneur who ranks among the earliest of modern influencers.” Kirkus Reviews

“A touchingly honest memoir from a man who recorded and shaped our times and of a grand life well lived. It is wonderfully deep and rewarding reading.”

Bruce Springsteen

“Rollicking read.” Paul McCartney

“[Wenner’s] readers–for nearly half the century–get the best of him in these pages. I had a lot of fun getting lost in him and no interest in being found.” Bono

“A rip-roaring and speedy ride through the excesses, excitements, and tragedies of our generation. Alternately thrilling, bedeviling, and deeply moving…unparalleled reading.”  Bette Midler

“Over the top.” Jackson Browne

“Jann S. Wenner takes us on a long, strange trip with his accessible and entertaining rock ‘n’ roll memoir.”

Associated Press

“A wildly entertaining romp that will stir feelings of envy.” USA Today

“Readers will surely feast on all the behind-the-scenes candy featuring the likes of Bono, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Bette Midler, and countless other stars, plus media icons like Annie Leibovitz and Hunter S. Thompson.” Vanity Fair

“A mind-blowing and insightful trip through the life of one of the principal sculptors of Rock ‘n’ Roll culture….Thoughtful, opinionated and open-hearted.” Tom Morello

“A high-octane story…a sweeping portrait of a generation….Wenner is in a league of his own. This memoir is utterly intoxicating.”
Douglas Brinkley, Author of Silent Spring Revolution

“The founder, coeditor and publisher of Rolling Stone takes readers through his heady years at the most influential music and pop culture publication of its era.”

AARP, “45 Best Books of Fall”

“Entertaining in spades.”

 Alexandra Jacobs, New York Times

“Rock may be dead, but Jann Wenner is still rolling…he still has something of the whirlwind about him.”

Maureen Dowd, New York Times

“Wenner demonstrated great vision when he created… a publication that treated rock and politics as subjects equally deserving of serious wxamination…thrilling…fascinating.”

Washington Post

“Wenner…has bequeathed us Like a Rolling Stone, a lavishly illustrated brick of a memoir full of rock-star and show-biz anecdotes and gonzo journalistic war stories. It’s his conceit…that his story and the saga of his magazine could be ‘a great read’ and ‘a historically authentic way of telling the story of my generation, our times, and my own mission.’ Remarkably…he’s right…Like a Rolling Stone is something of an immoveable feast.”

Edward Kosner, Wall Street Journal

“A panoramic cultural history viewed through the prism of an icon.”–Oprah Daily

“It’s not possible to overstate the impact Jann Wenner has had on the world’s pop culture…Wenner seems to have retained every letter he ever received, and even somehow has copies of letters he sent. It’s a treat to hear John Lennon in his own words, as he regrets having eviscerated Paul McCartney, or Mick Jagger. These are priceless historical documents, and add reportorial credibility to Wenner’s recollection of long ago events.”–Book & Film Globe

“Incredibly candid, open and honest.”–Walter Isaacson

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