by Norman Warwick

With a handful of tickets we purchased at the start of the year still behind the clock on the mantelpiece, waiting to be taken to concerts in February, it was both a delight and a major logistical nightmare to receive Miguel´s newsletter this morning, proudly announcing more than twenty major arts events to be added to near-future dates in our diaries. Today´s Sidetracks And Detours post was to have been a review of the latest classical festival offering from the Paris Symphony Orchestra but that has had to be pushed back a day to include this newer information. As soon as you push anything back, you hear the sounds of dominoes tumbling, so please bear with us as we stand them up again.

There are of course some long running arts exhibitions you will be able to see in the coming month, and there are new music events, theatre events and even creative writing workshops to enjoy.  is the name to put into your search engine to ensure you get full booking details and dates, times and venues, of this wonderful array of events.

The creative writing workshops takes place at Convento de Santo Domingo in Teguise on Lanzarote and are facilitated by The writer, journalist and Canarian politician, Ángel Guerra, literary pseudonym of José Betancort Cabrera, will be the subject of a retrospective exhibition that seeks to publicize, disseminate and value the significant and committed literary career of this writer born in Teguise in 1874 and died in Madrid in 1950, author of texts as outstanding as La Lapa,  Al jallo, A merced del viento, El Justicia del llano, etc. The curatorship will be in charge of the philologists Zebensuí Rodríguez and Pepe Betancort, together with the creativity and exhibition design of Carmen Corujo.

photo art exhibitions The art exhibition FUERA DE JUEGO includes Works by Carmela García, Noelia Villena, Acaymo S. Cuesta, Sara GDM y Antonio Manuel Domínguez, commissiopned by Adonay Bermúdez runs until 27th May, tucked away in the beautiful downstairs Sala De Arte El Aljibe in Haria.

This exhibition project, curated by Adonay Bermúdez, is an artistic proposal that explores the machismo entrenched in society and, specifically, in sport, through plastic and visual works of public denunciation that seek and expose feminist formulas that show situations of inequality in different sports contexts. In this way, we stumble upon readings that dialogue about the lack of voice of women in football (Carmela García), hatred and violence towards women athletes in social networks (Acaymo S. Cuesta), the relationships between women, sport and motherhood (Noelia Villena), the links between women and football (Sara GDM) or the prevailing dominance of men in sport (Manuel Antonio Domínguez).

A special guided tour will be led by the enthusiastic expert, Estefania Comejo  on Saturday 5th February at mid-day.

You could also see a video-installation at the gorgeous and atmospheric Cic El Almacen in Arrecife.

ALBY ÁLAMO is running until 16th march and is a Project  of  “Unpublished materials” by the visual artist Alby Alamo (Las Palmas, 1977) is a video installation that, following the line of research around the idea of the current performance society, proposes a unique approach to issues such as sustainability, tourism and landscape taking as a transversal axis the spatial work of César Manrique in Lanzarote,  to which is added the conditioning of having been a work carried out in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and under the mediation of the image and zero tourism. This work has the musical and sound collaboration of the artist Resonance (Javier Pérez Rodríguez) and will be accompanied by the photobook “Materials, recification of Arrecife and centrifuged”.

Other arts exhibitions include Acaymo´s. Cuesta´s Blanco Corrupto at the Sala Cuba in Cic El Almacen, Arrecife which will run from 18th February to 30th April.

After a long process of documentary and informative research on corruption and urban development that has occurred in recent decades in Lanzarote, the Gran Canarian artist Acaymo S. Cuesta, curated by Dennys Ramos, has articulated a plastic and visual story from which to reflect and denounce, through a series of pieces and installations,  on three fundamental issues linked to the territory and post-truth on the island, that is, on the aesthetic impact of tourism corruption on the landscape of that island, as well as on the influence exerted by political-business control over the media to legitimize the “laundering” or manipulation of public opinion; and, as a backdrop, the validity of the legacy of César Manrique’s environmentalist thought on the island

Check out the dates of guided visits by Estefania.

There will be a round-table with Irma Ferrer and Noemí Tejera, moderated by Saúl García Crespo, on Friday, April 8, at 7:30 p.m., in the Cinema Room of the CIC El Almacén. 

Presentation of the exhibition catalogue is on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. Cinema Room of the CIC El Almacé

MOVIMIENTO Y DIRECCIÓN DE FUGA. ACLIMATACIÓN I includes Works by Gabriela Bettini, Liliana Zapata, Manuel Diego Sánchez y Racso Zehcnas and will be shown atSala El Aljibe – CIC El Almacén

This exhibition project, curated by Dalia de la Rosa, runs from 18th February until 30th April and presents us with an artistic discourse that investigates the processes of adaptation of foreign elements in a specific place through dislocations that break layers that affect identity processes or sedimentations that erase spaces to create new places in which fragile provisional balance occurs in the form of acclimatization. This is how we see it in the new forms of mobility on the territory that were generated from the gold rush in the United States through the audiovisual piece by Manuel Diego Sánchez, the productive models based on the wild extractions on the territory that is reflected in the work of Liliana Zapata, in the traces and violent interactions between the body and the territory of the visual piece of Racso Zehcnas or in the modifications of the natural environments after the nineteenth-century scientific expeditions carried out in Africa, America or Asia in the work of Gabriela Bettini .

Check out dates and times of Estefania´s guided visits offering a history of the art and also look out for opportunities to meet the artists.

A special event on Saturday 19th February is DIÁBOLO CLASIC METAL featuring Los Hermanos Infoncundibles at Teatro Víctor Fernández Gopar “El Salinero”

The blurb tells us that ´The concert is about to begin. The eccentric brothers finish preparing everything with a calculated mess. But there is still a question: if Beethoven had been born today… would he be a rocker or a juggler? Sure enough, they don’t know either

We find ourselves once again before a strange mixture of music, circus and humor… especially humor. Making nods to different styles (flamenco, classical and rock) its protagonists evolve with different ways of understanding juggling, combining a high technical level with refined musical tastes (obviously, the latter has been written themselves)´.

Further arts exhibitions include


Agustina Ayala, Inocencia Aldana, Daniela Martín Hidalgo, María Morales Topham, Macarena Nieves Cáceres,Inocencia Páez, Dominga Suárez Clavijo y Lola Suárez Elena Betancor, Rosalía Díe, Flora González, Guacimara Hernández, Isabelle Mathieu, Raquel Plans, Adrianac Sandec y Rosa Vera

Salita – CIC El Almacén

To overcome the unforgivable absence of names of women writers in the studies on the literary heritage associated with Lanzarote this artistic intervention that has as a priority objective to publicize and value the work of eight writers hand in hand with plastic recreation, through the collage technique, of eight creators of the island,  in an exercise of visual expression where literature and art interact to vindicate the development of a new aesthetic and intellectual discourse signed by women from Lanzarote.

Eight texts by the writers María Morales Topham, Agustina Ayala, Inocencia Aldana, Dominga Suárez Clavijo, Inocencia Páez, Lola Suárez, Macarena Nieves Cáceres and Daniela Martín Hidalgo inspire eight collages made by eight artists from the island, such as Elena Betancor, Rosalía Díe, Flora González, Guacimara Hernández, Isabelle Mathieu, Raquel Plans, Adrianac Sandec and Rosa Vera.

DANIEL MORDZINSKI´S exhibition, “Navegantes en la balsa de piedra” celebrates the Centary of Jose Saremago´s birth and will open at Casa de la Cultura Agustín de la Hoz, in Arrecife on 11th March and run until late May

In this exhibition by the artist Daniel Mordzinski, designed and projected expressly for the programming of the Centenary of Saramago in Lanzarote, the Portuguese writer transits and becomes an emblematic interlocutor who enables dialogue between the Portuguese and Hispanic worlds and does so on a stone raft, in which the faces of the writers who inhabit his designed great island of cultural Iberism metaphorically navigate,  where literature and photography come together and merge forever in the memory of Saramago.

As we mentioned at the top of our article, The 38th Canaries International Music festival is still on-going, and includes JORDI SAVALL (shown on our cover and at top of article) & LE CONCERT DES NATIONS to be performed at Jameos Del Agua, the wonderful concert-hall in the caves on Thursday 10th February

The IFCM has the honour of once again having Jordi Savall, one of the most versatile musical personalities of his generation, back on its bill. For more than fifty years, it has made known to the world musical wonders abandoned in the darkness of indifference and oblivion. Dedicated to the investigation of these ancient musics, he reads and interprets them with his viola de gamba, or as a director. Among other formations, he is co-founder of the orchestral group Le Concert des Nations (1989), with whom he will appear at the 38th Festival to perform ‘7 last words of Christ on the Cross’, by J. Haydn. A work commissioned by a Cadiz brotherhood of the eighteenth century to the Austrian composer. Savall recovered this work in its orchestral version and in the last decade proposed a staging with narratives that include texts by José Saramago, who in 2022 marks 100 years of his birth.

There is more music on the following evening  of 11th February at the Cine Bunuel at Cic El Almacen in Arrecife. Jorge da Rocha presents his third album “BLAU – Being Lost As Usual”: a unique proposal within the current panorama of modern music that surprises with its originality and sensitivity. An encounter between electronics and acoustics that transports us through different soundscapes and brings us closer to indie music, pop and song format.

Having performed in Europe, Asia and South America with her two previous albums, Da Rocha now explores all her multi-instrumental versatility and creates suggestive atmospheres that can be both delicate and heartbreaking. “BLAU” is an album full of details, with guitars and other instruments that he mixes with string arrangements, acoustic drums reinforced by electronic elements and the double bass played in an innovative way that defines his own style. The whole set takes us on a journey of musical, emotional discovery and reflection on the current world.

That promises to be a busy weekend for music lovers, because on Saturday 12th  February There is more music from Olga Cerpa & Mestisay at the El Salinero theatre in Arrecife.

“Palosanto” is a record project and a show that have as a concept the dialogue between the guitar and the human voice, and that was born when Olga Cerpa and Mestisay invited seventeen prestigious guitarists of different nationalities to record with them songs by authors from different geographies.

“Palosanto”, a term that refers to a tree and a wood highly appreciated by guitar builders, is an organic show, full of nuances, in which the voice of Olga Cerpa and the guitars of Manuel González, Hirahi Afonso and Pancho Delgado, generate an enveloping and captivating acoustic environment.

LAJALADA appears at CIC El Almacén on Saturday 5th March. The singer and composer Belén A. Doreste, gives new shape to her new project, Lajalada, a more electronic adventure than the previous musical experience (Bel Bee Bee), with passages and songs written in English and Spanis

After having stepped on different stages and devigorating, reinventing and rethinking certain themes, in 2021 they present the first album: “DMÑNNS” (demañananosé), a creative work that without many resources tries to open 360º, take care of the sound plane, the aesthetic plane, and the visual journey that will accompany the presentation of each of the 10 tracks that make up the album.

For the live show, Belén is accompanied by Ner Suárez, Octavio Limiñana, Alberto Rodríguez and Francisco Navarro.

We move deep into March to hear CARMEN BOZA atCIC El Almacén on Saturday 26th. when Carmen Boza is a composer, guitarist, producer and singer born in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz). His music is nourished by his strong link with the guitar, which he has been exploring since he was 15 years old. The interest in many proposals of the so-called commercial music, as well as in many other projects of a more alternative nature, leads to the torrent of influences that can be seen in the compositions of the Cadiz. The singer-songwriter is considered one of the most interesting Spanish female proposals and with more projection in recent years

Carmen began her musical career by uploading videos to the YouTube platform where, little by little, she was consolidating a large audience base that today follows in her footsteps wherever she goes.

February promises literary workshops and creative writing events too. On 22nd February CARLOS BATAGGLINI Y EDUARDO LAPORTE deliver “Literatura al revés”, at Cine Buñuel – CIC El Almacén

The Lanzarote writer Carlos Battaglini receives the Navarrese writer and journalist Eduardo Laporte in El Almacén to talk about the ins and outs of literary creation. This meeting, under the format of a conversation entitled “Literature upside down”, aims to verbalize how both writers face the different challenges associated with their speeches, as well as what issues and what readings have been and are significant today to configure their literary and intellectual imaginary.

Carlos Batagglini (Lanzarote, 1976)

After graduating in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Granada and leaving the diplomatic career as coordinator of cooperation projects for the European Union (in countries such as Papua New Guinea or Liberia), in 2017 he relegated this professional facet to devote himself fully to literary creation. In addition to numerous opinion articles, travel chronicles, literary reviews, journalistic collaborations, as well as some mentions and literary awards, Battaglini is the author of a book of short stories entitled “Me voy de aquí”, published in 2020 and the poetry book “Otros hogueras” published in 2021, among other literary compositions, which have led him to move towards a promising and ascending literary career both inside and outside the Canary Islands,  participating in numerous book fairs and important literary forums in our country.

Eduardo Laporte (Pamplona, 1979)

After finishing his degree in Journalism at the University of Navarra and starting his first literary adventures, he moved to Madrid in 2005 where he began his career as a writer, essayist, cultural journalist and literary critic with articles, works and publications in prestigious magazines, newspapers and publishers to become one of the most interesting, active and mature voices in the panorama of national letters. Laporte is the author of books such as “Postcards of the digital shipwreck”, “Luz de noviembre por la tarde”, “Habana 2009”, “La tabla”, “Diarios 2015-2016”, “Barojiano y todo lo contrario”, “En presencia de Battiato” or “Tiempo ordinario”, among others.

The Cabildo press reléase also included advance notice of a collection of eight female writers and artists showing at Salita at Cic El Almacen, in Arrecife, featuringAgustina Ayala, Inocencia Aldana, Daniela Martín Hidalgo, María Morales Topham, Macarena Nieves Cáceres,Inocencia Páez, Dominga Suárez Clavijo y Lola Suárez, Elena Betancor, Rosalía Díe, Flora González, Guacimara Hernández, Isabelle Mathieu, Raquel Plans, Adrianac Sandec y Rosa Vera.

This will show from 8th march until 30th April 2022 and has been created To overcome the unforgivable absence of names of women writers in the studies on the literary heritage associated with Lanzarote this artistic intervention that has as a priority objective to publicize and value the work of eight writers hand in hand with plastic recreation, through the collage technique, of eight creators of the island,  in an exercise of visual expression where literature and art interact to vindicate the development of a new aesthetic and intellectual discourse signed by women from Lanzarote.

Eight texts by the writers María Morales Topham, Agustina Ayala, Inocencia Aldana, Dominga Suárez Clavijo, Inocencia Páez, Lola Suárez, Macarena Nieves Cáceres and Daniela Martín Hidalgo inspire eight collages made by eight artists from the island, such as Elena Betancor, Rosalía Díe, Flora González, Guacimara Hernández, Isabelle Mathieu, Raquel Plans, Adrianac Sandec and Rosa Vera.

Dance is also included in the new e vents too kook forward to, with  “INSECTO PRIMITIVO” by Compañía Elías Aguirre atTeatro Víctor Fernández Gopar “El Salinero” on 11th March.

Insects have a life comparable to a dance: short, ephemeral and intense. Bodies that support architectures, as humans do with our invisible hearts, with our shells and everyday burdens. This piece is about harmonizing the heartbreaking with the subtle beauty of what happens in the tiny, improvised settings of nature. That “ying/yang” in permanent dialogue. What if humans lived, every day, with the memory of the memento mori of a primitive insect? Perhaps our life, also ephemeral, could be presented as an atavistic and sublime dance. Dance, live, consciously.

Insecto Primitivo is the new production by Elías Aguirre for which Aguirre has created an imaginary of “entomological mythology” as a result of the creative process. A project closely related to some previous proposals, but at the same time a new bet, investigating new terrains, new limits of body expression, sensations and the imaginary. A work that combines contemporary dance techniques, urban dance and gestural theater for which Elías has a team of very peculiar dancers

Of course, all of the above, is a look at what is happening on here on our tiny island of Lanzarote, but fear n ot because we have news to bring you of exciting jazz events in the UK .

Rob Adams, who knows that jazz is music that´s going places has sent us his listings, as always covering a wide area.

Mr. Adams tells us that after a series of successful gigs before Christmas  and a near-capacity rapturously receivced Celtic Connections pianist Fergus McCreadie’s trio (right) ventures out on the road again. They play Cardiff on Friday 11th, Lincoln on Saturday 12th and Clitheroe on Thursday 17th. After these, their next planned gig is the Edinburgh launch of their new album, Forest Floor. Tickets are already on sale for this and more concerts are being added..

Tommy Smith (left) opens the new Jazz at St James series in Leith on Saturday 12th with a solo saxophone concert featuring a spontaneously chosen repertoire drawn from the jazz ballad, folk, classical and praise song traditions. Further concerts at St James are confirmed and will be announced soon. Advance booking will be preferred, if at all possible, to save handling cash. 

Saxophonist Brian Molley’s quartet (right) take the music from their latest album, Modern Traditions to Edinburgh on the 16th, Aberdeen on the 17th and Glasgow on the 18th. Response to the album has been very favourable indeed and the launch concert in November promised high quality music at these upcoming gigs too

Singer and songwriter Ola Onabule (left) takes the songs and storyline from his latest album, Point Less to Colchester on Saturday 19th. Point Less is packed with dynamism, drama and realism and Ola and his band will bring these qualities out big time in live performance.

The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra’s (right) first tour of the year sees guests, ace vocalist Kenny Washington and vibes virtuoso Joe Locke joining the band in new arrangements of songs by artists as diverse as Stevie Wonder, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Nicks and the Beatles. Pop! Rock! Soul! has been devised and arranged by Joe Locke himself, who will be realising a long-held dream to put his orchestral stamp on songs he grew up with and loves to this day. The tour begins in Dundee on the 24th before moving on to Edinburgh (25th) and

February Diary

Blue Lamp Thu 3: Modern Vikings
Thu 10: Tomorrow Band
Thu 17: Brian Molley Qrt
Thu 24: Dominic Ingham Qnt

The Caird
Suns: Jazz Session (2pm)

Gardyne Theatre
Thu 24: Scottish National Jazz Orchestra 

Jazz at St James
Sat 12: Tommy Smith solo saxophone

Jazz Bar
Wed 2: Fraser Urquhart Trio
Fri 4: Paul Kirby Qnt
Wed 9: Paul Kirby Trio
Thu 10: Jazzmain
Fri 11: Boptimism
Wed 16: Brian Molley Qrt
Thu 17: Stewart Forbes Five
Fri 25: Dominic Ingham Qnt
Sun 27: Yaatri

Queen’s Hall
Fri 25: Scottish National Jazz Orchestra

Soundhouse @ Riddles Court
Mon 21: Fraser Fifield & Graeme Stephen

Blue Arrow
Fri 4: Mezcla
Fri 11: Florian Raush
Fri 18: Ariane Mamon (7:30pm) Brian Molley Qrt (9pm)
Thu 24: Act Shy 

Royal Concert Hall
Sat 26: Scottish National Jazz Orchestra

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Fri 25: Matt Carmichael (1pm)

The 78
Suns: Jazz Session

Kings Theatre
Sat 26: Laura Macdonald Trio

606 Club
Wed 2: Iain Ballamy
Mon 7: Ray Russell
Tue 8: Stan Sulzmann
Wed 9: Paul Booth
Thu 10: Francesca Confortini
Mon 14: Jo Harrop
Tue 15: Jas Kayser
Sat 19: Tony Kofi
Sat 26: Alex Hitchcock
Sun 27: Polly Gibbons

Ronnie Scott’s
Fri 4: Julian Joseph
Mon 7: Natacha Atlas
Tue 8: Gwilym Simcock
Wed 9: Bird Migration Big Band
Sat 12: Camilla George
Tue 15: Dave O’Higgins & Rob Luft Qrt
Wed 16: Darius Brubeck Qrt/Daniel Casimir  
Thu 17: Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Orchestra
Fri 18, Sat 19: Nicola Conte Spiritual Galaxy 
Wed 23: Dominic J Marshall
Mon 28: Nicholas Payton Trio 
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