

Norman Warwick learns how you can become


from Dr. Burkhard Bensmann

We can either try to step out of this seemingly crazy circus or we have to develop strategies to handle the situation. In other words: We decide not to be the victim of circumstances but the designer of our own life. We start with leading ourselves.

Is this easier said than done? At least we need some proven methodologies and tools to start thinking and acting as such designer.

This is where the Seven Fields of Self-Leadership turn out to be useful. Dr. Bensmann has developed this practical approach to lead ourselves. It is based on more than ten years of research,
interviews with over two hundred leaders, and has been tested and proven, successfully, in numerous coachings and seminars.

Based around The Seven Fields Of Leadership Dr. Bensmann can support  entrepreneurial people in all sorts of genres by providing a range of different formats of seminars.

The Lunchtime (or Breakfast) lecture is, as the name suggests, a very compact impulse session, concerning Self-Leadership. In no more than ninety minutes Dr. Bensmann will supply a basic knowledge of the topic as well as some practical tips and tricks how to lead yourself better.

This can also be a module within someone else’s workshop as well.

The Condensed Workshop called Levers Of Self-Leadership, lasts for half a day and explores how can we get more clarity, more effectiveness, and more fulfilment into our business and our lives. The format consists of five hours of input concerning selected levers of Self-Leadership.

The Full Day High Intensity Workshop looks at all The Seven Fields Of Self-Leadership

Participants travel through the Seven Fields of Self-Leadership, using a questionnaire to figure out their existing strengths and further requirements weaknesses in regard to Self-Leadership. In identifying these they will simultaneously collect tips and tricks to improve on their methodology and instruments of leading themselves.

A Flexible Coaching is also available. Dr. Bensmann calls this Full-Flex-Coaching because it allows the client to create a flexible schedule for the coaching sessions with Dr. Bensmann. Specific workshops or coaching sessions can be created the clients´ needs.

Burkhard tells Sidestracks & Detours that these courses are suitable and beneficial to Chief Executives and Managing Directors, Corporate Successors, Change Agents, Entrepreneurs, Young Leaders and, of course any people in situations of changer and transition.

Just Poets: Agents Of Change

I was particularly interested in that phrase ´Change Agents´. I remember it from when my writing partner and I were facilitating under the name of Just Poets. This saw me as a government-funded peripatetic poet and creative writer, working in schools, prisons, hospitals and care homes, often alongside similarly funded visual artists, dancers and musicians. We were described by our parent organisation, Artists In School, not only as artists but also as agents for change. As I began to realise how many changes we made for the better in so many circumstances I realised that the word artist and the phrase agent for change are pretty much synonyms.

Listening to Dr. Bensmann now I reckon that had all we artists had the self-leadership skills that The Seven Fields Of Self-Leadership seem to make available to us, then we might have all been even more effective for our students and our communities.

Dr. Burkhard Brensmann
photo by Jutta Jelinski

photo 3 burkard Burkhard is working with clients and organizations mainly in Europe but also has engagements in the USA, Australia and Singapore as well. Furthermore, he is continuously teaching at universities in Germany and he was a visiting professor at the Art Institute of Boston, USA. a post that provides him with the experience to advise those following artistic or alternative career paths.

At a stage in the world´s orbit  that sees our working environment and opportunities changing before our very eyes it is perhaps more vital than ever that those moving into the non-traditional workplace receive clearer guidance on how to create their own new self-support systems as the old ones begin to disappear.

Since 2010 Dr. Bensmann  has been an Honorary Professor for Communications and Organizational Development at the University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrueck, Germany.

He is the inventor and host of five conferences on self-leadershipand has written four management books and numerous articles on leadership development. He is the founder of Ld 21 Dr. Burkhard Bensmann Consulting, the company that supplies a range of instruments to develop self-leadership (https://ld21.de/english/).

Business magazines call him one of the leading experts in this field.

To check out your particular needs from his thoughts on Self-Leadership, follow the details below.

Ld 21 Dr. Burkhard Bensmann Consulting

Rolandstr. 7A | 49078 Osnabrück | GERMANY

Tel: +49-541-760 997 96. | Mobile: +49-151-240 79 79 0

E-Mail: bb@Ld21.de. |

Web: Ld21.de

Honorary Professor for Communications And Organizational Development

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